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The Silesian Apollo
Martin Opitz and the music

Warm invitation to the concert this afternoon at 4.30 p.m. in the baroque castle Rammenau and tomorrow in the PERLE von Zeliszow at 4 p.m.

Here you can read the program with the texts of the madrigals if you cannot find a printed program on site.

The "father of German poetry", the most important son of Bunzlaus (today BolesÅ‚awiec) was one of the first and like no other to define the foundations for the literature of the German-speaking area and thus achieved great things for the history of this literature. After an initial collaboration with Heinrich Schütz, who brought the musical renaissance from Italy to Dresden, Martin Opitz began a long and fruitful collaboration with many composers of his time. Heinrich Schütz wrote one of the very first operas based on his libretto from a translation of the original text (by Rinuncini), for which Jacopo Peri composed "Daphne". The first German opera was written, "Dafne".

Schütz, a composer who is best known to us for his outstanding madrigals, has set 12 poems by Opitz to music. But also other composers who were active in Saxony, such as Andreas Hammerschmidt, who comes from Bohemia and lives in Zittau, and Constantin Dedekind, who works in Dresden. This fact led us to name the project of homage to Martin Opitz "The Silesian Apollo". In fact, we find him depicted on the title page of Constantin Dedekind's song collection "Elbianische Musenlust" where he plays in a duet with Apollo, the Greek god of music and poetry.


So who was the man who not only laid the foundations for German poetry, but also translated poetry into German from many other languages, from ancient Greek, from Latin, and from Dutch or French. From the English he translated Sir Philipp Sidney's "Arcadia". Opitz lyrically sings about a world of peaceful existence in harmony with nature, the joy of life and virtuous love.


We will try to answer this question in our project. This will be done not only through a lecture and the publication of a brochure with the translation of selected poems into Polish, in order to make today's citizens of Bolesławiec more aware of their great poet. In addition, we want to transport the audience back to the time when people longed for a peaceful renaissance after the end of the Thirty Years War. Where to meet again to sing songs about love, wine, joy, virtue and moderation.


At the end of a workshop in Görlitz, a scenic concert with the madrigals will be performed at three locations in the region, of course also in Bunzlau, Opitz's hometown, in costumes and surrounded by the natural set of corresponding architectural monuments.



Project :
Martin Opitz >>                                Poetry >>
Program of the concert >>            Dramaturgical conception >>
Workshop  >>                                     Ensemble  >>
Events  >>
Book with CD  >>
Sponsors-Partners  >>


Part 1 | Workshop

June 20-25, 2021

PEREGRINUS (former "College for Church Music")

Langestrasse 32, Görlitz



Eleni Ioannidou

Künstlerische Leitung

Die Opernsängerin ist seit 2017 Vereinsvorsitzende von Ars August e.V.

Weiter lesen >>


Prof. Britta Schwarz

Dozentin für Gesang

Die Altistin Britta Schwarz ist aktuell Dozentin in der Hochschule für Musik in Dresden... Weiter lesen >>


Enrique Gomez- Cabrero Fernandez

Dozent für historische Praxis

Der Barockviolinist und Dirigent stammt aus Madrid...

Weiter lesen >>

photo by Edoardo Lambertenghi.jpeg

Michele Cinquina

Begleitung an der Laute

The ensemble

After registering, the following musicians were selected to take part in the workshop.

The musicians take part in the workshop for free.

Part 2 | The events


Friday June 25th 2021

PEREGRINUS (former "College for Church Music")

Langestrasse 32, Görlitz


Public masterclass with Prof. Britta Schwarz (3:00-6:00 p.m.)

Lecture with music examples with Dr Jolanta Szafarz (6:30 p.m.)

Free entry, donations welcome


Saturday June 26th 2021

Baroque castle Rammenau

Am Schloß 4, 01877 Rammenau


The Silesian Apollo - The cradle of German opera

First part (4.30pm-5.20pm)

Second part (6:30- 7:20 p.m.)



Sunday June 27th 2021

Pearl of Å»eliszów (former Protestant church in Giersdorf near Bunzlau)

Å»eliszów 103, 59-700 Å»eliszów, Poland


The Silesian Apollo - Martin Opitz and Music

First part (4: 00-4: 45 p.m.)

Second part (5: 30-6: 15 p.m.)

Admission free, donations (for the renovation) welcome



The concerts are semi-staged and with costumes



Registration | Info:

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Heinrich Schütz (1585, Köstritz - 1672, Dresden) and Martin Opitz (1597, Boleslawiec - 1639, Gdansk

The project is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media through the Cultural Department for Silesia at the Silesian Museum in Görlitz and Central German Baroque Music in Saxony, Saxony, Anhalt and Thuringia eV

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Freitag 25.06.2021, 15:00-18:00 Uhr

Madrigale einstudiert mit der Dozentin Prof.Britta Schwarz...



Barockschloss Rammenau

Samstag 26.06.2021, 16:30

Madrigale von Heinrich Schütz, Andreas Hammerschmidt und Const.Dedekind

Programm | Karten
Academia Ars Augusta in der Perle von Ze


Perle von Zeliszow

Sonntag 27.06.2021, 16:00 Uhr

Madrigale von Heinrich Schütz, Andreas Hammerschmidt und Const.Dedekind

Infos | Anmeldung
Martin Opitz.jpg



Freitag 25.06.2021, 18:30 Uhr

Vortrag "Der schlesische Apollo" mit Frau Dr.Jolanta Szafarz und Musikbeispiele.

Sicht auf Barockschloss Rammenau VII.jpg


Barockschloss Rammenau

Samstag 26.06.2021, 18:30

Madrigale von Heinrich Schütz, Andreas Hammerschmidt und Const.Dedekind

Programm | Karten


Perle von Zeliszow

Sonntag 27.06.2021, 17:30 Uhr

Madrigale von Heinrich Schütz, Andreas Hammerschmidt und Const.Dedekind

Infos | Anmeldung

The program


A list of twenty madrigals has been drawn up, which will be rehearsed and from which the program for the concerts will emerge. Each concert lasts 45 minutes. Two different programs are being prepared.

Due to the restrictions imposed by hygiene regulations, the audience in the hall may only consist of a limited number of guests, which is why two concerts per day with different programs are offered.

A professional sound recording of the concert in Rammenau and a video recording of the concert in Zeliszow are planned.



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Martin Opitz

Schlesischer Dichter

Bunzlau 1597-Danzig 1639

Biographie >>


Heinrich Schütz

Komponist in Dresden

Köstritz 1585 - Dresden 1672

Biographie >>


Andreas Hammerschmidt

Komponist in Zittau

Brüx in Böhmen 1611 - Zittau 1675

Biographie >>


Constantin Christian Dedekind

Dichter und Komponist in Dresden

Reinsdorf, Anhalt-Köthen 1628- Dresden 1715

Biographie >>


Please click on each madrigal to read the text and cast.

Heinrich Schütz

Andreas Hammerschmidt

Aus Geistlichen Dialogen II

Salomons Hohenlied - Andert Teil


9. Wie die güldnen Rosen Zier

10. Komm Nordwind.




11. Wenn Gott auf unsre Lenden.

12. Wer Gott das Herze giebet.

13. Tugend ist der beste Freund.

Constantin Christian Dedekind

Aus "Elbianische Musenlust"

Zehn Opitzianische


14. Der Morgenröth ihr Sachen befördert alle Sachen

15. Die Augen merken oftmals an

Die Anthologie

Teil 3  |  Die Anthologie


Veröffentlichung einer Broschüre mit CD, geplant für den 25.6.2021

Broschüre mit einer Auswahl von Gedichten von Martin Opitz auf Deutsch mit polnischen Übersetzung.

Dazu kommt später eine CD mit den Tonaufnahmen der Madrigale.




Antike Bücher

Germanistin, Übersetzerin

Dr.Jolanta Szafarz


Musiker, Tontechniker

Heinz Müller

Lektorat, Tonaufnahmen.. Biographie kommt bald...


Grafik Designer

Krzysztof Knitter


Kostümistin, Designerin

Anna Utko

Link zur WEBSITE



 & Partner

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Kulturreferat für Schlesien


Das Projekt wird gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien über das Kulturreferat für Schlesien am Schlesischen Museum zu Görlitz.





Das Bau-Denkmal im Renaissance-Stil in der historischen Altstadt von Görlitz beherbergte bis 2010 die "Hochschule für Kirchenmusik"

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Stiftung "Dein Erbe"


Die Stiftung Dein Erbe (Fundacja Twoje Dziedzictwo) ist Eigentümer der ehemaligen ev. Kirche in Zeliszow und widmet sich der Sanierung der Kirche.


Mitteldeutsche Barockmusik e.V.


Mitteldeutsche Barockmusik in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen e.V. fördert wichtige Festivals und Veranstaltungen.


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Barockschloss Rammenau


Das Denkmal befindet sich in der Heimat des Philosophen Fichte, Rammenau, und hat einen Saal in dem regelmässig Veranstaltungen stattfinden.

Holz und Fliesen



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The cover of Constantin Dedekind's "Elbianische Musenlust": on the "Helikon" of the Elbe and with a view of Saxon Switzerland is opposite the god Apollo with the muses and Martin Opitz with the composers of the time.

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