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Jazz Singer
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Das Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung und des Staatshaushalts im Rahmen des Fonds für Kleinprojekte Interreg Polen - Sachsen 2014-2022 mitfinanziert.

In a cross-border rhythm: Polish - Saxon music workshops | W RYTMIE TRANSGRANICZNYM: polskosaksońskie warsztaty muzyczne

The dates of the workshop have changed: Currently it is August 14-21.

From Saturday August 14th to Saturday August 21st there will be a workshop for rock / pop / jazz music in Bolesławiec (ceramics center, in Boleslawiec). We are looking for 10-15 participants from Poland and 10-15 participants from Germany, between the ages of 16 and 25, who play the following instruments:

Drums, electric bass or double bass, classical or electric guitar, drums, wind instruments, strings, keyboard or piano and vocals.

The lecturers are experienced and established musicians from Germany and Poland. At the end of the workshop, three concerts will take place: in Bunzlau and in Görlitz.

Lessons, accommodation and meals are free during the week.

Interested parties are asked to fill out the registration form and send it with a demo (video) to the following address:


Bolesławiecki Ośrodek Kultury - Międzynarodowe Centrum Ceramiki (Bolesławiecki Cultural Center - International Ceramics Center, website: )



Ars Augusta


Project duration

03/15/2021 - 09/30/2021 (ERN-PL-11/20/27-1089)


project goal

Strengthening the existing cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens of Poland and Germany by intensifying joint activities in the field of culture.


Project description

The project is about the organization and implementation of Polish-German music workshops in BolesÅ‚awiec for 15 participants from Poland and 15 participants from Germany, the results of which will be presented to the public with concerts on both sides of the border. During the seven days of the workshop, the participants will improve or complete their skills under the guidance of professional musicians from Poland and Germany. Every day, five-hour music workshops in seven groups take place at the applicant's headquarters, divided into singing, stringed instruments, wind instruments and percussion. Each day of the workshop ends with a performance by the participants in front of invited guests as well as a jam session (which will last at least 2 hours) and a joint concert on the last day. People who already have the ability to play a certain instrument are invited. The workshop ends with a free concert in the large forum of the BolesÅ‚awiec Cultural Center. During the workshop, photographic material is created that documents the workshop process carried out by the employees of the applicant and the partner. After the workshop, the participants meet three more times to hold concerts in other places (Görlitz, Å»eliszów and the open-air stage of BolesÅ‚awiec - Festival of Ceramics in BolesÅ‚awiec). The participants in the activities will be informed of this by their leaders during the project activities, among other things. During the workshops, the participants will receive a warm meal, and for participants from Germany, transport and accommodation will also be provided.




Workshop for young people from the Euroregion (16-25 years old) in Boleslawiec (Bunzlau) between 3 and 10 July 2021.

Instruments: vocals, wind instruments, piano / keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, drums, violin.



A. Lecturers based in the district of Görlitz, Zittau and Bautzen for
1. Piano / keyboard 2. Jazz violin 3. Bass guitar

You will be teaching in the workshop between July 3 and July 10. Fee 1050 € for the entire project.

We ask the interested lecturers with their offer + curriculum vitae to our contact addresses: +49 177 4470120 and


B. Young participants for the workshop:

We are looking for participants from the district of Görlitz, Zittau and Bautzen with knowledge of the following instruments:

Vocals, piano / keyboard, violin, wind instruments (such as saxophone), guitar, bass guitar, drums.

Interested musicians should contact by e-mail. To do this, you should enter a contact, instrument, age and a possible demo (if available).


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