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Ars-Augusta eV: Association for the promotion of culture and international understanding

No. 9835 Register of Associations, Dresden District Court

St. No. 207/140/09274 Görlitz tax office

The association is non-profit.




Articles of Association from March 8th, 2017


§ 1 (name, seat)
1. The association bears the name "Ars-Augusta". It should be entered in the register of associations

and the addition “e. Behavior.
2. The business year is the calendar year
3. The seat of the association is Görlitz 02826, Augustastraße 6


§ 2 (purpose)
1. The purpose of the association is the promotion of art and culture as well as promotion of

International understanding. Appropriate measures:

Promotion and initiation of musical projects (e.g. founding orchestras and ensembles) and events involving artists of different nationalities.
Further training and promotion of young talents (exhibitions, competitions, readings and performances of musical and theater pieces).

Research into forgotten musical works. Performing, archiving, recording and distributing musical works.
Bringing music projects to places and citizens that are culturally neglected, excluded or socially disadvantaged, e.g. concerts and lectures in schools, for groups of young people, in children's and old people's homes, etc.

2. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.

The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue economic purposes. The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association.
No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.


§ 3 (membership)
1. Any natural or legal person can become a member of the association.

2. The board of directors decides on admission after a written application. In the case of minors, the application for membership must be submitted by the legal representative.

3. Resignation from the association is permitted at any time. It must be declared to the board in writing.

4. A member can be expelled from the association if his behavior grossly violates the interests of the association. The general assembly decides on the exclusion.

5. Membership ends with the death of the member (in the case of legal persons with their expiry).

6. The resigned or excluded member has no claim against the association's assets.

7. The members of the "Ars-Augusta" association do not have to pay membership fees for the time being. Should the collection of contributions be necessary in the future, their amount and due date will be determined by the general assembly by a simple majority. For the 2017 financial year, the association is provisionally financed from private funds from the association chairmen.


§ 4 (Board of Directors)
1. The entire board of the association consists of the chairman and the

second chairman who is also secretary
2. The board of directors within the meaning of § 26 BGB consists of the 1st chairman and the 2nd chairman.

Chairman. Each of them represents the association individually.
3. The board is appointed by the general assembly for a period of one year

elected; however, he remains in office until a new election has taken place.


§ 5 (General Assembly)
1. The ordinary general assembly takes place once a year. Also must

a general meeting can be called if the interests of the association so require or if at least one member requests the call in writing, stating the purpose and the reasons.
2. Each general meeting is to be called in writing by the board of directors, observing an invitation period of four weeks and stating the agenda.
3. The chairman of the meeting is the first chairman and, if he is unable to do so, the second chairman. If both are not present, a meeting leader will be elected by the general meeting. If the secretary is not present, he will also be determined by the general meeting.

4. Each duly convened general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
5. The resolutions of the general meeting are made with a simple majority of the valid votes cast. However, a majority of 3⁄4 of the valid votes cast is required to change the statutes and the purpose of the association.

6. Minutes are to be taken of the resolutions of the general assembly, which are to be signed by the chairman and the secretary.


§ 6 (dissolution, accumulation of the association's assets)
1. A majority of 4/5 of the valid votes cast is required to dissolve the association.
2. If the association is dissolved or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the association's assets go to the non-profit “Förderverein Stadthalle Görlitz eV”, which has to use them exclusively and directly for non-profit purposes.


Görlitz, March 8, 2017


Signatures of at least seven members who participated in the founding of the association:

Eleni Ioannidou / Augustastraße 6, 02826 Görlitz Heinz Müller / Augustastraße 6, 02826 Görlitz Renate Wiegand / Augustastraße 30, 02826 Görlitz Ulrich Wiegand / Augustastraße 30, 02826 Görlitz Dorothea Baumann, Augustastraße 31, 02826 Görlitz Gabriele-Jokoltke, James-Straße 50, 02826 Görlitz

Gabriele Schönfelder, Steinweg 40, 02826 Görlitz




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