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Jazz Singer
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Das Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung und des Staatshaushalts im Rahmen des Fonds für Kleinprojekte Interreg Polen - Sachsen 2014-2022 mitfinanziert.

Projekt INTERREG Polen Sachsen:

In einem grenzüberschreitenden Rhythmus | polnisch - sächsische Musikworkshops

W RYTMIE TRANSGRANICZNYM - polsko- saksońskie warsztaty muzyczne

The dates of the workshop have changed: It is currently August 14-21, 2021

Conditions of participation

The project includes the organization and implementation of Polish-German summer music workshops in BolesÅ‚awiec for 15 participants from Poland and 15 participants from Germany, which will be concluded with a concert. After the workshops, the participants undertake to give three more concerts on both sides of the border (in: Görlitz, Å»eliszów and the outdoor stage of the BolesÅ‚awiec ceramic festival in BolesÅ‚awiec).


1. General conditions

1.1. The conditions for holding the workshops are as follows:

1.2. The workshops will take place in the buildings of the Bolesławiec Cultural Center - (Bolesławiec International Ceramics Center, Piłsudskiego 1c).

1.3. Period: July 3rd to 10th, 2021

1.4 The organizer of the workshops is the "Bolesławiec Cultural Center - International Ceramics Center" (hereinafter referred to as Bok-Mcc)

1.5. The workshop program is attached to the provisions as Appendix 1.

1.6. Participation in the workshop is free

1.7. The organizer offers participants a meal every day.


2. Registration for participation in the workshop

2.1. Applications for participation in the workshop should have been submitted between May 28 and June 25, 2021. The number of participants is limited.

2.2. A natural person between the ages of 15 and 26 can participate in the workshops.

2.3. A person who wishes to take part in the workshop (hereinafter: "Participant") is obliged to submit a registration in accordance with the following conditions:

a) Print out the application form , fill it in legibly and send a signed copy to the following email address:;

b) the recording of a piece of music (the piece must be recorded with a mobile phone, digital recorder or video camera without editing) (for a specific instrumental class. Instrumental classes are: keyboard, wind instruments, strings (violin), drums, bass, other strings and vocals The recording should be sent as an audio file (MP3, WAV) to the e-mail address: ).

c) Read the conditions carefully and accept them by signing the form.

2.4. The organizer decides whether the applicant is sufficiently qualified to participate in one of the workshops. is. All applicants will be informed in writing about the result of the selection.

2.5. Please do not submit any more applications if it is announced on the website of the organizer or in an email that there are no more participants!

2.8. The organizer reserves the right to limit the number of places in a group. If there are too few registrations, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the relevant workshops. In this case, the participants will be informed by email.

2.9. The organizer has the right to refuse the participation of individuals in the workshops if the formal requirements for the application have not been met or if there are no more free places available. This will be communicated to the applicant immediately.


3. Rules for participating in the workshops

3.1. Participants in the workshops are obliged to appear at the Bolesławiec Cultural Center - International Ceramic Center in Bolesławiec Pl. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 1C, 59-700 Bolesławiec, at least 15 minutes before the start of the course on the day of the course. Before the start of the entire event, all participants must report to the organization office and register for the workshops.

3.2. Each participant in the workshop is responsible for compliance with the safety regulations by: taking part in a survey where they are informed about the absence of symptoms that indicate a contagious disease, or that they are going to quarantine, living with a person, subject to compulsory isolation or quarantine, and by contacting a person suspected of being infected, ill or isolated by completing the declaration in accordance with the form in Annex 2 of this Regulation before the start of the workshops and updating the information provided ;

2. Withdrawal from participation in certain artistic activities in the event of symptoms of a viral disease, i.e. in a state of increased body temperature (over 37.4 ° C), with symptoms of cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, muscle pain, severe general weakness or other symptoms, which are characteristic of viral infections. However, withdrawal requires prior notification of the person responsible for coordinating the workshops by email: teat@bok.bolesÅ‚

3. Immediately inform the person who is responsible for coordinating the workshops specified in this point

3.2.1. about the appearance of symptoms of a viral illness in yourself or another person attending the workshop;


4. Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 30 seconds, at least every time after arriving at the BOK-MCC headquarters and immediately before the workshops, even after a break;

5. Disinfection of hands with liquids / gels provided at special stands, at least every time after they have reached the BOK-MCC headquarters, before each entry into the premises where the workshops take place, and regularly during the workshops ;

6. Compliance with the principles of social distance (maintaining a reasonable distance - at least 1.5 m), if this is possible due to the nature of the tasks performed;

7. Limiting physical contact (avoiding hugs, shaking hands, etc.);

8. Daily temperature measurement without a touch thermometer is carried out every time an authorized person arrives at the Bok-Mcc headquarters (the allowable temperature is 37.4 ° C). People with a temperature above 37.4 ° C are not allowed to take part in the artistic classes about which those responsible for coordinating the workshops named in point 1) are informed immediately;

9. Disposal of disposable protective equipment such as masks and gloves in a designated rubbish bin;

10. To come to Bok-Mcc headquarters without escorts according to the schedule;

11. Leaving the headquarters of Bok-Mcc immediately after the end of the workshops;

12. Follow directions given by people on behalf of Bok-Mcc.


3.3. The organizer is not liable for injuries or accidents suffered by the participant.

3.5 The organizer is not liable for valuables and other property belonging to the participant that can be lost, damaged or stolen.

3.6 The participant may not:

3.6.1. film, record or photograph the workshops without the teacher's consent;

3.6.2. be under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances during the workshop;

3.6.3. Bring groceries to the classroom (food).

3.7. In order to guarantee the best possible service and maximum safety for workshop participants, Bok-Mcc keeps workshop attendance lists. Participation should be reported personally to the reception every time before the start of the workshop.

3.8. Participants are obliged to respect the rights and dignity of the representatives of Bok-Mcc and other participants in the workshops.

3.9. The organizer reserves the right to remove a participant from the workshops who:

3.9.1 violates the elements of these provisions,

3.9.2. disrupts the proper course of the workshops;

3.9.3. Act against the instructions of the representatives of the organizer.


4. Images / video and rights to artistic work

4.1 The organizer reserves the right:

1. to include photographic, audiovisual recordings of the workshops with the participation of the participants in the archive collections of Bok-Mcc and to use fragments from them in Bok-Mcc materials such as monographs, calendars, media with educational and advertising nature, with the right to reproduce, publicly accessible, broadcast, live or recorded.

2. Introduction of film / photography into the multimedia network - Internet and use in websites and social media of the Bok-Mcc.

4.2. The organizer is entitled to use parts or all of the film documents free of charge in all areas of use mentioned in this point

4.1 of this part, without territorial and time restrictions, including the right to publish them to the public via the Internet and television and to present them at public screenings in connection with the activities of the organizer.

4.2. The participant can object to the inclusion, the materials created in the context of the workshops, its performance and its dissemination in the advertising materials of Bok-Mcc. This also applies to the rights to artistic performance during the workshops.



5. Processing of personal data

5.1 Data administrator. The administrator, i.e. the company that decides on the purposes and means of processing personal data, is the organizer - BolesÅ‚awiecki OÅ›rodek Kultury - International Ceramics Center, which receives information about the processing of personal data. If you have any questions about data protection law, you can contact us by email at the address of our data protection officer: ……………………….

5.2. Purposes and legal reasons for processing personal data. The administrator processes personal data in order to prepare, conduct and carry out the workshops on the basis of these regulations (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural Persons in connection with the processing of personal data and the free movement of data as well as the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC, hereinafter referred to as "GDPR", and to fulfill the obligations of the legal provisions, Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c of the GDPR ( in particular: The administrator uses film / photo documentation created during the workshop for advertising purposes. The use of the image arises from the legitimate interests of As an administrator who promotes his own business (Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f of the GDPR), the Workshop participant of the consolidation and use of his image in you contradict your purpose.

5.3 Obligation to provide personal data. The provision of personal data when conducting the workshops is voluntary, but is a prerequisite for participation in the workshops and is required by law and mandatory if the statutory obligations are met.

5.4. Information about the recipients of your personal data. In connection with the processing of data for the above-mentioned purpose, the administrator does not provide for the transfer of personal data to other companies, unless such a need arises on the basis of the applicable law (companies authorized on their basis, such as e.g. the state) authorities, tax offices, courts, bailiffs) or it is necessary to implement the above-mentioned purpose with the help of other bodies (subcontractors, postal operators, software suppliers).

5.5. Periods of processing personal data. Personal data are processed for the period necessary to achieve the processing purposes specified under point. 5.3 above, ie for a period of 30 days from the date of the workshops and, if applicable, for the time of: a. Fulfillment of the legal obligations incumbent on the organizer, including the obligations in connection with data storage, e.g. B. for financial reporting purposes (in principle 5 years after the tax liability arises), b. Exercise of his rights by the organizer, in particular through the limitation periods for claims provided in separate regulations (usually 3 years). c) Objections to the use of an image from the film / photo documentation.

5.6 Profiling and automated decision-making. Personal data are not profiled. The organizer does not make any automated decisions when processing personal data.

5.7. Rights of the data subject. In connection with the processing of personal data by the organizer, the organizer has the following rights: the right of access to personal data, including the right to receive a copy of this data, the right to rectification (rectification) of the data, the right to delete personal data to request (the so-called "right to be forgotten"), the right to request the restriction of the processing of personal data, the right to transfer data to another controller, the right to object to the processing of personal data.

5.8. You can exercise the above rights by submitting a request in the manner indicated in the introduction and to the addresses indicated in the introduction (obtain information on the processing of personal data). The scope of the above rights and the situations in which you can exercise them are determined by law. Ability to use some of the above. Claims may depend on it, among other things. the legal basis, purpose or method of their processing.

5.9. The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. If you are of the opinion that the processing of personal data by the organizer violates the provisions of applicable law, you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data.

5.10. Transfer of personal data to institutions outside the European Economic Area ("EEA") or to international organizations. The organizer does not plan to transfer your personal data outside of the EEA or to international organizations.


6. Final conditions

1. The provisions are available on the website at least until the end of the workshops: https: // www. and at the organizer's headquarters.

2. All information about the workshops can be obtained from the organizer at the following e-mail address:

More information about the project carried out by the Bolesławiecki Ośrodek Kultury-International Ceramics Center can be found on the website: https: // www. For more information, call 661023130 and

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