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Singing workshop
SONG inspired by the common cultural heritage 

As part of the INTERREG Poland-Saxony project "Inspired by the common cultural heritage"

the Museum of Toys in Karpacz is organizing a weekend with a workshop on "The song from our common cultural heritage".

Singers from Poland and Germany who want to improve their vocal skills and the interpretation of the lied literature are invited.



Eleni Ioannidou

Soprano and 1st chairwoman of the Ars-Augusta eV association


Piano accompaniment:

Katerzyna Neugebauer

permanent employee of the Opera and the National Forum Muzyki in Wroclaw.



Date and location:
July 24th and 25th, 2021
Karpacz State School
(DolnoÅ›lÄ…ski zespóÅ‚ szkóÅ‚ w Karpaczu)

ul.Gimnazjalna 7 58-540 Karpacz, Polska



1. The singers should prepare three songs of their choice from the following list and develop them in the course of the workshop. At the end of the workshop on Sunday evening, the results will be presented in a small concert in front of an audience. Participants will be offered a free sound recording of the concert. The best participants have the possibility of a small concert in autumn in the Silesian Museum in Görlitz as part of an exhibition about the artists of the Giant Mountains artists' colony.


2. Interested parties can register for participation until July 22nd. This must be done by e-mail to:

The registration should contain the contact details of the participants as well as a short summary of the respective artistic career, a list of the three preferred songs and - if available - a demo (audio, video, YouTube link, etc.) of the pieces.


3. The workshop is free for all singers involved. Food and accommodation during the workshop are guaranteed and also free of charge. For two participants from Germany, travel expenses from Görlitz will also be reimbursed if necessary.


For questions and more information:

Ms. Agnieszka Lemiszewska, Museum of Toys in Karpacz +48 75 76 18 523,

Eleni Ioannidou, Ars-Augusta eV Tel. +49 3581 8778460, +48 502 991789, E-mail:


The project is funded by the European Union through the Regional Development Fund as part of an INTERREG Poland-Saxony project.



1 song of your choice by

Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Franz Schubert, Richard Strauss. Robert Schumann, Antonin Dvorak, Fryderyk Chopin, Stanisław Moniuszko, Karol Szymanowski, Ignacy Jak Paderewski oder Mieczysław Karłowicz.


1 song between

1 song between

Anna Teichmüller

1. Vor der himmlischen Tür

2. Sehnsucht

3. Erdenkindleins Wiegenlied


Bolko von Hochberg

1. Nähe der Geliebten


Heinrich Lichner

1. Was ich liebe


Moritz Moszkowski

1. Schlaflied


Otto Klemperer

1. Wiegenlied

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