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INTERREG Poland-Saxony

Projects 2021

In 2018, Ars-Augusta eV successfully carried out the project "Discovering Gerhart and Carl Hauptmann together" (partner: Museum Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus in Hirschberg). In 2020 we are partners with the museum of toys "Henryk Tomaszewski" in Krümmhübel (Karpacz), in a project that has been postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. In 2021 we are again a partner of the Ceramyki Center in Boleslawiec with a jazz workshop for young people.

In the same year we ourselves are project sponsors of another interesting project: it is about the opera by Carl Maria von Weber "Der Freischütz" and the romance of our mountains.

The projects are funded by the European Regional Development Fund.


Small project fund INTERREG

Poland - Saxony 2014-2020


First Polish - German poetry and painting competition “Inspired by the common heritage”

Project sponsor:

Municipal toy museum from the collection of Henryk Tomaszewski




Ars Augusta


Project duration:

April 24, 2020 - November 30, 2021



Project expenses: € 18,142.99


Requested ERDF funds: 85%

Project description:

The project is based on the implementation of a painting and poetry competition as well as singing workshops that are inspired by works from the common cultural heritage of the German-Polish border region. The painting and poetry competition is aimed at elementary schools on both sides of the border. A presentation of poetry and painting in Poland and Germany as well as a catalog in printed and electronic form are being prepared. To complement the level of cultural heritage with musical values, two-day singing workshops are organized with participants from Poland and Germany. There will be a presentation of the results of the vocal workshop to the public.



Project goal:

The aim of the project is to intensify the institutional and partnership cooperation between citizens and institutions for the common cultural heritage.


Opening of the exhibition by Teresa Kepowicz, online on Saturday 15.3.2021 at 5:00 p.m.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-06 um

Project description:

The project includes the organization and implementation of Polish-German music workshops for 15 participants from Poland and 15 participants from Germany, culminating in concerts on both sides of the border. The workshop ends with a free concert for those interested in the large forum hall of the BolesÅ‚awiec Cultural Center. During the workshop, photo material will be created that covers the workshop process. After the workshops, the participants meet three more times and give a concert in other places (Görlitz, Å»eliszów and the open-air stage of the BolesÅ‚awiec Ceramics Festival in BolesÅ‚awiec). During the project activities, both participants and beneficiaries will be informed of the sources of project co-financing and the locations of the activities will be marked accordingly. The project, d. H. Workshops and concerts, will be promoted through the implementation of an advertising campaign in local media, on the websites of the organizers, through posters and large advertising banners (approximately the remaining concerts).



Project goal:

Strengthening the existing cross-border cooperation between institutions and residents of the Polish-Saxon border region by intensifying joint activities in the field of culture.

Band spielt Konzert

Small project fund INTERREG

Poland - Saxony 2014-2020


“In a cross-border rhythm | Polish - Saxon music workshops "

Project sponsor:

Bolesławiecki Ośrodek Kultury - Międzynarodowe Centrum Ceramiki

(Bunzlau Cultural Center - International Center for Ceramics,





Ars Augusta


Project duration

03/15/2021 - 09/30/2021


Small project fund INTERREG

Poland - Saxony 2014-2020



"Romance in the Euroregion
experience together"

Project sponsor:

Ars-Augusta eV




"Sudecka Kraina" in Hirschberg


Project duration

02/01/2021 - 10/18/2021

Project description:

200 years ago Carl Maria von Weber wrote one of the most important operas of the Romantic era, "Der Freischütz". The composer is connected to our border triangle (Dresden-Breslau-Prague). He was inspired to write this opera in the Jizera Mountains. We would now like to present the opera in the landscape in which he was then. Another important Romantic artist who was traveling in the Giant Mountains at the same time is Caspar David Friedrich. We will combine the aesthetics of the painter's pictures and the composer's music into a spectacle that will be performed in the landscapes. A workshop will take place after the concept has been prepared. Freelance artists from the region in particular who are affected by the Corona restrictions would benefit from this. Citizens from both countries interested in culture are invited by organizing an excursion. The play will be performed, filmed (video) and presented on the Internet in September. Performances once in the Iser Mountains and once in the Zittau Mountains. A website with texts, photos and videos about the project, the artists and the landscape as well as a brochure is being prepared.



Project goal:

Preservation of the cultural heritage by making music together in the backdrop of nature.

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