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The increasingly difficult situation in the art industry, also with regard to the financing of projects, unfortunately allows us even less than before to realize our plans.

So we urgently need the support of the friends of our association.


We would therefore like to ask you to support our projects by means of "fundraising". to support one of the following gifts. From a sum of 30 € you will receive a gift. We will mention your name or institution as a sponsor of the respective project in programs and newspaper articles.


Thanks in advance.



Promote our projects and receive a special gift

International song competition

Bolko von Hochberg 2022 "Hellas"

Foundation of the prizes & CD "Hellas 2022"



Current status: 525 €

Bitte schreiben Sie uns eine Mail und teilen Sie uns mit für welches Geschenk Sie interessiert sind.


Gleichzeitig können Sie die Spende an unseres Vereinskonto mit Erwähnung ihres Namens und Nr.des Geschenkes


Ars Augusta e.V.

Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien

IBAN: DE 54850501000232050392   



oder per PayPal (account:



Gift 1 (friend Ars Augusta)

3 brochures + CD Ars-Augusta eV

Bolko von Hochberg: Homage

Anna Teichmüller: Anthology

Max Marschalk: The music theater

Bonus: Gerhart Hauptmann "Festival in German Rhymes"

All brochures are in Polish and German and include a CD with music.

30 €

Gift 2 (friend Ars Augusta)

Like gift 1 + CD Antonio Lotti : "Giove in Argo" opera.

Bonus: Gerhart Hauptmann "Festival in German Rhymes"

All brochures are in Polish and German and include a CD with music.

50 €

Donor: Eleni Ioannidou,

Gift 3 (sponsor of the competition)

Like gift 2 + a CD on the subject of the "Hellas" competition , as soon as it is over and the recordings are available.

100 €

Donors: Karin Thomas-Martin, Mary Schneider (Ibolyka Slotowski price donation 125 €),

Gift 4 (sponsor of the competition)

CD and program of the "Hellas" competition and mention as a sponsor of the project (advertising for your own company if necessary) on our program booklet, our website and on social media.

€ 200

Gift 5 (sponsor of the competition)

Two days stay for two to three people in our beautiful, large apartment in Wroclaw near the old town.

€ 220

Gift 6 (sponsor of the competition)

Like gift 4 + two free tickets for the concert of the prize winners as part of the Lausitz Festival (2022)

€ 250

Donors: Kay von der Heydt & Anne-Katrin von der Heydt.

Gift 7 (sponsor of the competition)

A free recording session in the club's studio (music: pop, rock, jazz, classical or radio play, interview, etc.). The end product: a CD.

€ 400

Gift 4 (patron Ars Augusta)

A concert with some participants in the competition for your private celebration (40 min. Singing with piano accompaniment

1000 €

Gift 8 (patron of the competition)

One week stay for two people in our beautiful, large Wilhelminian style apartment in Görlitz near the old town.

1200 €

Gift 9 (patron of the competition)

One week stay for two people in our beautiful, large Wilhelminian style apartment in Wroclaw near the old town.

1500 €

Gift 10 (great patron of the competition)

Name of the patron of the competition (on website and programs)

CD and program of the competition with the signatures of the winners

Free tickets for the winners' concert

Concert with participants of the competition at your private party.

2500 €

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