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From the collection of pictures of the Polish King Wladyslaw IV Vasa

We create the "Silesian Apollo"

Scenic presentation of madrigals based on the poetry of Martin Opitz

Opitzes poetry has something universal about it. He writes to the people or about the people of his times, but he uses (as is common in the poetry of the time) terms from Greek mythology. As a Protestant, the Greek ideal is often mixed up with the Christian ideal of the first times, free of the conventions of the catholic church.


The 5 singers and 5 instrumentalists are people from this period (around 1620) from Boleslawiec. But it could also be from our time, because our times are not happy either. At that time, the 30 Years War was going on and the protagonists are unhappy. They are looking for a way out into a world of harmony and light, into the world of Arcadia, Anacreon, Apollo, the muses of philosophy. They try to find that in the singing and on the stage of the "Perle of Zeliszow". The costumes should also be used in a future Monteverdi production "Orfeo".


Inspiration 1

Madrigalen: Il Ballo delle Ingrate
by Claudio Monteverdi

De Nederlandse Opera,
Amsterdam 2007
Director: Pierre Audi
Costume design: Patrick Kinmonth (Das Gewand)

Inspiration 2

by Claudio Monteverdi
2017 au théâtre de Caen

Les Arts Florissants

The place

(Pearl of Zeliszów in Bunzlau)


History: The young people are unhappy and are looking for light. Each one for himself and at a distance. They come from the back door in this room, you can see that they are lost, full of suspicion and suffering. They hide behind the columns. But as they sing they break free, come closer. You begin to discover the little joys in life. They gather on the stage, where they bring oriental carpets (Solomon's Song of Songs), pillows, fruit, and wine. They discover age-old ancient songs in old book sheet music and they sing. These shared moments, discovering an old world, drinking, eating fruit, falling in love. And happily they leave the hall.


Program >>>




First program

A group of young people comes through the back gate of the hall. They are independent, do not know each other and you can feel that they are confused and unhappy. The times are sad, full of pandemics, hatred and war. There are overturned old furniture in the hall, as if the house had been abandoned. Everyone is in their world. Small movement between columns and the stage in the center, on which there is a dusty chest with a mysterious interior.


Itzt blicken durch des Himmels Saal SWV 460.   7.30min Anna, Shira, Ioulia, Christian, Nathaniel

At the end of the piece they are still strangely from each other in the center of the "stage" around the chest, who has attracted them mysteriously. They are now singing this madrigal as if they wanted to tie their voices together.

O dolcezze amarissime d´Amore SWV 1 2.30min    Anna, Shira, Ioulia, Christian, Nathaniel

Among the books in the dust (around the chest) they happened to find a book, it was old poetry book. They (Christian and Ioulia - the future love story) read and sing... near the books are some bottles of vine. Anna sees the bottle and make some thoughts: perhaps this could be our solution for the problems? Shira comes and takes some glasses-...

Die Erde trinkt für sich SWV 438   2min       Ioulia, Christian

The two sopranos steal the book from their hands and now decide to bring joy to the group. They take Christian and Ioulia, they try to make them dance. Kind of sirtaki. Then they sing in sad Nathaniel's ear. So they whisper joy to everyone. As they sing, they give orders. Christian and Nathaniel bring a thrown table in a corner of the stage, Nathaniel dusts it out and Ioulia covers it with a beautiful cloth. Then Anna and Shira look around and find thrown bottles on the floor and discover wine, carafes and glasses for everyone. They put everything at the table ... During a break they go out and bring a large platter of fruit. flowers too. Or Ioulia. The men bring Ioulia on the table and she dances there... with the fruits. In any case it will be dancing ... At the end - when the scenery is ready - everybody open the chest very curiously...

Liebster sagt in süssen Schmerzen SWV 438. 4.30min.    Anna, Shira

Christian and Ioulia continue to scroll through the book. They sing the following song. In the meantime, Nathaniel and Shira bring Anna books and elements of the muses out of the chest, instruments, a telescope, an archaic statuette, an ancient map (like the painting on the top of the page). Everything comes on the table, and at the end there is a lyre, Nathaniel takes it enthusiastically and feels like the god Apollo. Anna and Shira feel like his muses and accompany him majestically and classically. The whole spectacle is about the procurement of classic, harmonious images. Like someone posing for nice photos. These Fotos are going to illustrate the book of the poetry of Opitz.

Glück zu den Helikon SWV 96  2.30min.    Ioulia, Christian

Nathaniel allegedly plays on his lyre and sings about virtue. If Nathaniel has not learned his lines then instead of wearing lyre he will read from the book, but like an aedos, with antique style.

Tugend ist der beste Freund 3min  Nathaniel

Nathaniel-Apollo gives all the musicians the notes (copies in old books) and they take a seat around the table like a beautiful company. At the end he sits down at the center and places the lyre in the center of the table. A social round of friends begins. One by one, they get up and start singing, or even by sitting (singing). The others drink wine, look at each other, get to know each other, smile at each other, love stories are born. They read, dance too ...

Wer Gott das Herze giebet   3.30min.   Shira, Ioulia

Applause. Now Apollo-Salomon-Nathaniel and Muse-Anna stand and sing:

Lässt Salomon sein Bethe nicht umgeben 6min     Anna, Nathaniel

Big applause. Apollo has to sing one more song, encore. But he has to read the song ... He sings the song but while he sings, he notices that Anna and Christian look somehow flirtatious.

Die Augen melden oftmals an.  2.30min Nathaniel

The program closes Anna and Christian, who became friends during the song by Nathaniel and are now super happy.

Komm Nordwind  3.30min.    Anna, Christian

Now all young people have found their love friends, they laugh, drink wine and then sit around the table and sing like in a Renaissance picture.

Siehe wie fein und lieblich ist's SWV 48  7min Anna, Shira, Ioulia, Christian, Nathaniel

And they bend down in front of the audience and go away, hugging and happy.




Second program

A group of young people comes through the back gate of the hall. They are independent, do not know each other and you can feel that they are confused and unhappy. The times are sad, full of sickness, hatred and war. There are overturned old furniture in the hall, as if the house had been abandoned. Everyone is in their world. Small movement between columns and the stage in the center, on which there is a dusty chest with a mysterious interior.


Itzt blicken durch des Himmels Saal SWV 460.   7.30min Anna, Shira, Ioulia, Christian, Nathaniel

At the end of the piece they are still strangely from each other in the center of the "stage". They are now singing this madrigal as if they wanted to tie their voices together.

O dolcezze amarissime d´Amore SWV 1 2.30min    Anna, Shira, Ioulia, Christian, Nathaniel

Between the books in the dust they happened to find a book, it was old poetry. They read and sing

Die Erde trinkt für sich SWV 438   2min       Ioulia, Christian

The two sopranos steal the book and now bring and decide to bring joy to the group. They take Christian and Ioulia, they try to make them dance. Kind of sirtaki. Then they sing in sad Nathaniel's ear. So they whisper joy to everyone. As they sing, they give orders. Christian and Nathaniel bring a dilapidated table in a corner of the stage, Nathaniel dusts it and Ioulia covers it with a beautiful cloth. Then Anna and Shira bring looking for the thrown bottles on the floor and discover wine, carafes and glasses for everyone. You put everything at the table ... flowers too. During a break they go out and bring a large platter of fruit. Or Ioulia. In any case it will be dancing ... At the end they open the chest.

Liebster sagt in süssen Schmerzen SWV 438. 4.30min.    Anna, Shira

Christian and Ioulia continue to scroll through the book. They sing the following song. In the meantime, Nathaniel and Shira bring Anna books and elements of the muses out of the chest, instruments, a telescope, an archaic statuette, an ancient map. Everything comes on the table, and at the end there is a lyre, Nathaniel takes it enthusiastically and feels like the god Apollo. Anna and Shira feel like his muses and accompany him majestically and classically. The whole spectacle revolves around the procurement of classic, harmonious images. Like someone posing for nice photos.

Glück zu den Helikon SWV 96  2.30min.    Ioulia, Christian

Nathaniel is said to be playing on his lyre. Ioulia as Aurora sings: Trying to fill everyone with a smile and hope.

Der Mörgenröht ihr Lachen 3min  Ioulia

Aurora's laughter has spread around. Salomon-Nathaniel and Anna-Sulamine are "enthroned" in the center of the stage. Read and sing. all admire. The ritornelli are expressions of admiration.

Lässt Salomon sein Bethe nicht umgeben 6min     Anna, Nathaniel

Applause. Now Shira and Christian come in the center of the stage and play and sing their duet Salomon-Sulamine.

Wie die güldnen Rosen Zier.   4min.   Shira, Christian

Anna and Nathaniel are singing a sad song again. But while they are singing about their suffering, the others pull themselves together, Ioulia puts her head on Christian's shoulder. Anna plays with flowers.

Nachdem ich lag in meinem öden Bette  3.30min.    Anna, Nathaniel

Everyone takes a seat at the table again and sings a religious text. As an invocation. Christian and Ioulia light candles and put them around and the circle of singers.

Wenn Gott auf unsere Lenden.  2.30min Anna, Shira, Nathaniel

Now everyone ends the evening singing together: the violins also come left and right and play along. The viola da gamba and lute also come on stage.

Teutoniam dudum belli SWV 338  5min Anna, Shira, Ioulia, Christian, Nathaniel

And they bend down in front of the audience and go away, hugging and happy.











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