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The Silesian Apollo

The ensemble

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Anna Bachleitner

Die in Bayern aufgewachsene Sopranistin Anna Bachleitner ...

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Ioulia Spanou

Die Mezzosopranistin Ioulia Spanou studierte Operngesang...

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Nathaniel Kondrat

Der amerikanischer lyrischer Bass war zuletzt auf der Bühne des Staatstheaters Cottbus zu hören...  Weiter lesen >>>


Viola da Gamba

Ela Kaluchiewicz

Sie begann ihre musikalische Karriere im Alter von 7 Jahren am I. J. Paderewski in Białystok... Weiter lesen >>>

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Shira Miriam Cohen

Die Sopranistin begann ihre musikalische Ausbildung als Klarinettenstudentin...  Weiter lesen >>>



Roberto Jachini Virgili

Roberto Jachini Virgili bildete seine lyrische Tenorstimme bei Renata Scotto und Mariella Devia aus .Weiter lesen >>>

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Lukas Hamberger

Lukas Michael Hamberger bekam seinen ersten Violinunterricht im Alter von fünf Jahren... Weiter lesen >>>

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Dimitri Dimitrov

Dimitar Dimitrov ist 1998 in Kazanlak, Bulgarien geboren... 

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Anna Beichleitner
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Anna Bachleitner


The soprano Anna Bachleitner, who grew up in Bavaria, is described by the Südbadische Zeitung as “a highly flexible vocal artist who is richly equipped with nuanced timbres and scenic hints”.

Anna is currently a member of the LaCetra vocal ensemble under the direction of Andrea Marcon and artistic director of the Mandelkärn ensemble, which specializes in the interpretation of 17th century music.

In 2021 she will be heard with his new program “Ad te levavi” and several times with the Sweelinck Barockorchester of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. Anna studied with Evelyn Tubb and Gerd Türk at the renowned University of Early Music, the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel. There she was able to work with Anthony Rooley, Vaclav Luks, Andrea Marcon, Leonardo Garcia Alarcon, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher and Margreet Honig, among others.

Anna can be heard regularly at renowned concert series and festivals all over Europe. She was at the 'Abendmusiken in der Predigerkirche' (director J.-A. Bötticher) in Basel (CH), the concert series 'FAMB' (Friends of Old Music Basel) under the direction of V. Luks and A. Marcon, of the series “Offenes Palais” Dresden (DE) and the Forum Alte Musik: St Gerold (A) as guest.

2020 would be Anna as "Anima" in E. de 'Cavalieri's "La Rappresentatione di Anima, et di Corpo", as well as "Rodelinda" in a production of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis of the opera of the same name by GFHändel under the direction of A. Marcon and a Staging by D. Ch. Colonna could be heard. In 2019 Anna sang the soprano part in J. Haydn's “The Creation” under the direction of S. Mette and in 2018 Anna was as “Dido” in Purcell's “Dido & Aeneas” with the “Ensemble Locatelli” in Bergamo (IT) to listen.

Since 2020 Anna has been deepening her education at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in Xenia Meijer's class.

Shira Cohen
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Shira Miriam Cohen


Shira Miriam Cohen (* 1994), soprano, began her musical training as a clarinet student at the Kiryat Tivon Music Conservatory and in the local “Rakefet” choir. Later she graduated as a singer from the "Reut School of Arts" in Haifa with distinction. Shira recently completed her Bachelor of Music at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Prof. Sharon Rostorf-Zamir and is currently studying at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in Xenia Meijer's class.

Her repertoire includes the roles of Pamina from "The Magic Flute", Ms. Gobineau from "The Medium", Ms. Pinkerton from "The Old Maid and the Thief" and Lucifero Agellico from "La Caduta Dell'angeli" by Francesco Rossi. Other notable appearances included several roles in Purcell's "The Fairy Queen" and Ravel's "L'enfant et les Sortileges".

Shira's concert appearances include Faure's "Requiem", Bach's "Magnificat", Charpentier's "Te Deum", Vivaldi's "Magnificat" and Bach Cantatas. She has performed with leading Israeli orchestras such as Tel Aviv Soloists, the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra, the Phoenix Ensemble and the Barocadde Ensemble under conductors such as Barak Tal, David Shemer, Yi-An Xu and Ronen Borshevsky. Shira is also a member of the Bella Tel-Aviv Trio. The trio has given many concerts in Israel and completed a concert tour in the Chinese province of Guangdong in 2019.

Her awards include second prize at the Buchmann Mehta Vocal Competition, the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music Excellence scholarship (2018-2020) and the America-Israel Cultural Foundation scholarship (2020-2021).

In 2018, Shira and Chen Reiss took part in a master class of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra in the new Zucker Hall. She participated in the Israeli Vocal Arts Institute's summer program for young artists (2017, 2018).

Ioulia Spanou
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Ioulia Spanou


The mezzo-soprano Ioulia Spanou studied opera singing at the University of Macedonia (Greece). Since 2016 she has been studying with Suzanne McLeod, Nadine Secunde and Aris Argiris. In April 2018 she made her debut as 2nd Witch in Purcell's opera “Dido and Aeneas” (conductor: Edo Frenkel, London, UK) and

afterwards she sang Cherubino in Mozart's “Le Nozze di Figaro”, (conductor: Francesco Mancuso, Barcelona, ES). As a member of the Opera Studio of the Greek National Opera, she sings her first sesto in Mozart's “La Clemenza di Tito”, Romeo in Bellini's “I Capuleti ei Montecchi” (conductor: Michalis Papapetrou) and the role of viola da gamba in the children's musical “Musica ! or the battle of tones ”by Theodore Economou. She sang excerpts from the opera “Orphée et Eurydice” by C. Gluck with the Ensemble Generabilis Orchestra, Mozart's Requiem in D minor (KV 626) with the Ioannina Conservatory Orchestra and performs regularly as a soloist with the Baroque ensemble Ricercar (conductor: Michael Mirtsios ). She was recently engaged in John Cage's “Europeras 1 & 2” at the Greek National Opera (March 2020).

Roberto Jachini

Roberto Jachini Virgili


Lyric Tenor,Pupil of Raúl Giménez , is even a Viola gratuated. Winner Role of Rossini Opera Festival Academy 2004 & Scholarship of Maggio Fiorentino Academy (2005/06), Roberto has already worked with conductors such as Alberto Zedda, Renato Palumbo, Michele Mariotti, Yuri Temirkanov, Fabio Biondi and Sergio Alapont. His Festival appearances have included Pesaro, Firenze and Jesi (Festival Pergolesi). Farther debuts as “Testo” in Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda” by Monteverdi in Fermo (2006), “Eclittico” in”Il Mondo della Luna”by Haydn in Cesena (2008) and Soloist Tenor in “Petite Messe Solemnelle” by Rossini in Maggio Fiorentino (2010), he subsequently appeared at the “Teatro Regio” Parma,“Arcimboldi” Milano, “Teatro Massimo” Palermo and “Teatro Petruzzelli”,Bari. In 2016 He debuts at the Beograd Baroque Festival in Beograd in“Messia” by Haendel and in National Opera Theatre as “Lindoro” in“Italiana in Algeri”. After the production of “Barber of Sevilla”by Paisiello in Rieti and the brilliant “Barbiere” by Rossini in Skopje, Roberto joined in “La Cenerentola” in Weimar and was protagoinst for the Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik (Austria)in the Opera “Oktavia” by Richter (2017). In March 2019 He's the Prince Charmant in "La Cendrillon" by P.Viardot in Teatre de Sarrià, Barcelona, Ottavio in Don Giovanni by Mozart at Varna Opera House (Bulgaria) and Ismaele in Nabucco in Krakow (Poland) .For season 2019/20 of Manoel Theatre in La Valletta (Malta), He's Jago in "Otello" by G.Rossini. Jachini Virgili is actively recording for “Tactus”, “Bongiovanni”, “Naxos”.

Nathaniel Kondrat

Nathaniel Kondrat


Nathaniel Kondrat (born 1986), American lyric bass, last heard on the stage of the Cottbus State Theater. He sang various recitals and for many different opera houses in Germany. Nathaniel was signed for the role of Don Pasquale and has sung Don Bartolo in Barbiere di Sevilla and Monterone in Rigoletto in recent seasons. He sang a modern world premiere by Graubner and Werner with the Landesbühne Sachsen. He was the bass soloist in Bach's Christmas Oratorio in Berlin. Nathan also sang in the Freiburg Theater and the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater. Nathan sang the world premiere of Random Blackouts in Portland, OR. Nathan has sung such roles as: Claudio in Beatrice et Benedict, Figaro in Le Nozze di Figaro, Leporello in Don Giovanni, Guglielmo from Cosi fan tutte, Melisso from Alcina, Jim from Gift of the Magi, a world premiere of the chamber opera as Sherriff Peters from Trifles, Truffeldino in Ariadne on Naxos, Major Murgatroyd in Patience and Father Trulove in Rake's Progress, and many others. Nathan graduated from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music where he earned a Masters degree in Singing.

Lukas Hamberger
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Lukas Hamberger

Baroque violin

Lukas Michael Hamberger received his first violin lessons at the age of five, and one year later he also began to learn the piano. At the age of eleven he was accepted as a young student at the Vorarlberg State Conservatory in Feldkirch and took lessons from Editha Vogel-Fetz. He completed his studies in violin with Maria Kikel and in piano with Irina Puryshinskaja and Anna Adamik, each with distinction and was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Mozarteum University in Salzburg in June 2015. Since September 2015 he has been studying baroque violin with Leila Schayegh in the Master of Performance course at the renowned Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.

In 2004, together with his two sisters Eva-Maria and Anna Blanka, he founded the trio "Vielsaitig" and later the ensemble ConCorda, which specialized in early music. Together, he and his sisters received a number of prizes at the “Prima la Musica” competition, in which he also won several prizes as a soloist, both at the state and federal level. In 2013 the Ensemble ConCorda won the "ABA Award". Lukas Hamberger also received the “Young Baroque Talent 2013” award. He is also a scholarship holder of the Austria Baroque Academy and the Basel Music Academy.

Lukas Hamberger attended master classes with Thomas Brandis, Anselm Hartmann, Ilia Korol, Benjamin Schmid, Silvia Schweinberger, Frank Stadler, Bruno Steinschaden, Martin Tittor, Helmut Zehetmair, and others. He received further important impulses from Alfredo Bernardini, Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Daniele Caminiti, Klaus Christa, Rubén Dubrovsky, Johannes Hämmerle and Sven Schwannberger.

Lukas Michael Hamberger is a sought-after orchestral and church musician as well as a chamber music partner. He was a long-time member, section leader and concertmaster of the symphony orchestra of the Vorarlberg State Conservatory under the direction of Benjamin Lack, with whom he performed Purcell's “Dido and Aeneas” and Handel's “Alcina” (as concertmaster) at the Vorarlberg State Theater. Most recently, he held the post of concert master in the operetta “The Merry Widow” by Franz Lehar (UGL Ludesch, autumn 2015). As part of his concert activities at home and abroad, he played concerts at the RadioKulturhaus Wien, at the Festwochen Gmunden, at the Classic Festival Schloss Kirchstetten, at the Festival "Winter in Schwetzingen", in the Villa Falkenhorst Thuringia, in the Provost Office St. Gerold, Evening music in the Feldkirch Cathedral, the Feldkirch Music Friends, at the International Lake Constance Club, the Montafon Summer, the International Lake Constance Festival and the Altensteiger Summer Music Nagold.

Ela Kaluchiewicz

Ela Kaluchiewicz

Viola da gamba, baroque cello

She began her musical career at the age of 7 at the IJ Paderewski in Białystok in the cello class. After 9 years of training, she decided to try singing solo and in this class she graduated from music school. Meanwhile she joined the Chamber Music Ensemble for Early Music Aulos (later Aulos Ensemble) in Białystok, specializing in the performance of music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, with which she gave concerts in many cities in Polish, won prizes and recorded a CD.

In 2015 Ela was accepted into the music academy. K. Lipiński in Wroclaw for the viola da gamba class, conducted by MSc. K. Pyzik. During her studies she joined an early music group at Luthien Consort from Poznan. She has played many times with the Wrocław Academic Baroque Orchestra, as well as with the Intercollegiate Baroque Orchestra, which connects students from the early music departments from Łódź, Poznan and Wroclaw. In 2018 she returned to playing the cello and defended her BA thesis

She began further studies in this course - this time in the baroque cello class of M.Sc. B. Cocos. In that year she also worked with the Lusatian Baroque Ensemble.

She has been associated with the La Villanesca ensemble from Wrocław since 2019.

Dimitar Dimitrov
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Dimitri Dimitrov

Organ, harpsichord

Dimitar Dimitrov was born in 1998 in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. He began his musical education at the age of 7 at the Emanuil Manolov Music School in the city of Kazanlak, where he spent 10 years playing the accordion in Mikhail Hristov's class

and studied at the Exarch Antim I School with a music profile in the class of Marina Stefanova. In addition, he has won numerous awards at national and international competitions in the country. At the age of 12, his musical development continued in Elena Yuliyanova's class with compulsory piano. Four years later he continued the piano as

Special subject, again with the same teacher. Last year at the school

he won four first and two second prizes at national and

international competitions. He also won the Grand Prix at

international competition Viva Piano 2017, held at the University of Music

"Prof. Pancho Vladigerov" in Sofia and a special award from

International competition for instrumentalists and composers “Music

and the Earth ”also in Sofia. He received a diploma for artistic achievement

from the Ministry of Culture. He visited for a month two years in a row

Berlin, where he was organ with the church organist Karl-Johannes Michael Mallow

studied privately. In Bulgaria he is studying in Prof. Neva Krasteva's class.

As a freshman he won the first organ prize of the "Fourth National

Academic competition Johann Sebastian Bach and his epoch ", which in

Plovdiv takes place. Piano as a concert subject at the University of Music

"Prof. Asen Diamandiev “in Plovdiv under Prof. Dr. Romeo Smilkov and organ

under Prof. Dr. Neva Krasteva at the University of Music “Prof. Pancho

Vladigerov ”in Sofia. As of 2017 he has been helping as an organist in the Catholic

Cathedral of St. Joseph in Sofia. In October 2019 he took part as organist on

XXII. Festival "Sacred Music" - Wroclaw, Poland, which takes place annually under the

Directed by Tomasz Kmita - Cantor of the Evangelical Christophori Church in

Wroclaw. The period between 2019-2020 Erasmus student in the university

for music Karol Lipinski in Wroclaw, Poland. He studied piano in class

von Gracian Szymczak and organ in the class of dr. Tomasz Gluchowski.

He is currently studying at the UDK - Berlin, majoring in organ / bachelor's degree.

As a student he lived in many cities in Bulgaria and abroad,

alone and in shared apartments. The goal of his life is to develop as a musician.

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