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The Silesian Apollo


Britta Schwarz



Prof. Britta Schwarz


University of Music and Performing Arts, Dresden

The mezzo-soprano Britta Schwarz brings out her extensive repertoire in numerous concerts with renowned orchestras, including the Berlin Philharmonic, the Staatskapelle Dresden, the Concertgebouworkest Amsterdam, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields and the Cappella Andrea Barca . She works with conductors such as Philippe Herreweghe, Kent Nagano, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Bruno Weil, Marek Janowski, Peter Schreier and Gustavo Dudamel.

The extremely inspiring collaboration with Sir András Schiff should be emphasized.

Britta Schwarz devotes herself to chamber music with great fondness and particular attention, with “multi-string” programs being created primarily with the Weimar pianist Daniel Heide and the Berlin harpist Maria Graf.

The rich spectrum of the concert repertoire is documented in a diverse discography.

A new solo CD with chorales from Georg Christian Schemelli's collection was released in spring 2017 on the Querstand label. The wonderful harpists Maria Graf and Margret Köll as well as the Slovenian gambist Domen Marincic are their musical partners.

In addition to other delightful CD recordings with works by JS Bach, a recording of Franz Schubert's “Winterreise” was made in 2018 with the renowned pianist and harpsichordist Christine Schornsheim.

Britta Schwarz has given concerts in almost every country in Europe, including Israel and Japan.

She works with important baroque ensembles such as the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, Musica Antiqua Cologne, the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin and the Rias Chamber Choir. This led to very stimulating musical encounters with Reinhard Göbel, Pierre Cao, Gustav Leonhardt, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Ludger Remy and Michael Schönheit, among others.

Britta Schwarz is a guest at many festivals, such as the Lucerne Festival, the Menuhin Festival Gstaad, the Leipzig Bach Festival, the MDR Music Summer, the Weilburg Castle Festival, the Rheingau Music Festival and the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival.

Britta Schwarz has been teaching at the “Carl Maria von Weber” University of Music in Dresden for a number of years, where she leads the oratorio interpretation course within the concert class, and in summer 2015 she was appointed honorary professor at the “Hanns Eisler” University of Music in Berlin .

Invitations to master classes have taken her to Japan, Iceland and Norway, among others.

In August 2020 Britta Schwarz will again lead a master class as part of the “Vielklang” festival in Tübingen.

Anker 1
Enique Gomez

Historical performance practice

Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández

Baroque violin, conductor

Enrique was born in Spain. After studying violin at Francisco Comesaña Madrid in 2005, his interest in historical performance led him to study baroque violin at the Koninklijk Conservatory in The Hague with Ryo Terakado, where he graduated in 2010.


He studied and received master classes from some of the early music luminaries such as Enrico Gatti, Hiro Kurosaki, François Fernandez, Elisabeth Walfisch, Mira Glodeanu, Ton Koopman, etc.


He played with groups such as La Ritirata, Banchetto Musicale, Baroque Orchestra of the Netherlands and is concertmaster and soloist of Contrasto Armónico, with whom he has recorded more than 10 CDs. He also played as concertmaster with the Concerto Barocco and Damascus Baroque soloists and is a member of the soloists of the Capella Enrico Stuart in Rome. He has played in some of the best concert halls, festivals, radios and televisions in Europe, America and the Middle East.

He teaches regularly at several summer courses in the Czech Republic, Poland and

Canada and was visiting teacher at the Damascus Conservatory.

He is the founder and artistic director of the baroque ensemble "La Villanesca" and conductor of the "Lausitzer Baroque ensemble". In 2019 he made his debut as an opera conductor in Poland and Germany, where he gave the first performance in modern times of the pastoral melodrama "Giove in Argo" by Antonio Lotti.


In his spare time he is also a composer.

Frank Pschichholz

Accompaniment on the lute


Michele Cinquina


Michele Cinquina studied classical guitar with prof. Marco Salcito and prof. Andrea Dieci, obtaining his specialist master’s degree with the latter at the Conservatory of Pescara. He graduated with magna cum laude in Music Management at the University of Macerata, where he studied with Prof. Vincenzo Caporaletti, writing his dissertation on “Creative-extemporaneous practices in the theorbo repertoire”. His great love for ancient music and historical research led him to study the lute and the theorbo under the careful care of prof. Franco Pavan, obtaining his specialist master’s degree with him at the State Conservatory "E. F. Dall'Abaco" of Verona and following specialization courses with prof. Jacob Lindberg. With lute, theorbo and baroque guitar, as accompanist and continuist he performed concerts with numerous singers, chorales, chamber groups and orchestras including: ScarlattiLab, Wroclaw Baroque Orchestra and Wroclaw Baroque Ensemble, Ars Cantus, Clockbeats Baroque Orchestra, l'Accademia degli Invaghiti di Mantova, Oficina Musicum, l'Accademia degli Orfei, Cantimbanco. He plays in duo with the Polish flautist Katarzyna Czubek, with whom he has performed in important music festivals such as "Bachowski festiwal" in Swidnica, "Cappella Angelica" in Gdansk and “Maggio Musicale italiano” organized by Italian Cultural Institute in Kracow. He is also the founder-director of the ensemble Ghirlanda Sacra devote to the research and performance of Renaissance and Baroque Sacred repertoire and he is President and Artistic Director of the Cultural Association La Cartella Musicale. He has published for the Centro Studi Antoniani of Padova where he is also an editor for the Corpus Music Franciscanum. He recorded for Concerto Classics label, CDAccord and the Cultural Institute Wrocławscy kameralisc. On 21 February 2019 he published his first solo recording project about the tablature for lute of the vocal works of Josquin Desprez for the Concerto Classics label of Milan in collaboration with Skira publisher. He teaches lute and theorbo at Akademia Muzyczna Karol Lipinski in Wroclaw, Poland.

Jolanta Szafarz

Translation of the poetry into the Polish language


Dr. Jolanta Szafarz


Dr. Jolanta Szafarz, former research assistant at the Institute for German Studies - University of Wrocław.

Research focus: literature and culture of the Silesian Baroque, literature around the turn of the century, German-Polish relations in literature.

Dr Jolanta Szafarz, były pracownik naukowy Instytutu Filologii Germańskiej na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim.

Zainteresowania naukowe: literatura i culture śląskiego baroku, literatura przełomu wieku, polsko niemieckie stosunki w literaturze.


Graphic design of the brochure


Krzysztof Knitter

Graphic artist

Krzysztof Knitter was born on February 20, 1981 in Bydgoszcz. Computer graphic and publishing designer with many years of experience. Always more of a practitioner than a theorist. A lover of creative and creative work. The painter and graphic artist also worked as a photographer and photo journalist. He has lived in Görlitz for two years.

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