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for baroque musicians and


Rehearsal of scenes from the opera "Il re pastore" by J.Ch.Richter and JAHasse

18-23 September 2022

Königshain, Saxony, Germany

Lecturer: Raphael Alpermann

Stage workshop: Eleni Ioannidou

Lecturer: Raphael Alpermann


Raphael Alpermann studied piano at the Hanns Eisler Music Academy in Berlin and also took lessons in the harpsichord with Gustav Leonhardt and Ton Koopman.

He has been a member of the Academy for Early Music since it was founded in 1982. He can be heard as a soloist in many of the ensemble's recordings and concerts.

In 1995 he made his debut with the Berlin Philharmonic with a concerto by Bach and since then he has been a frequent guest of this orchestra and other well-known ensembles. He has worked with conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Simon Rattle and Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Concert tours have taken him to many of the most important concert halls on five continents. He has played well over 100 CDs in a wide variety of formations. Raphael Alpermann teaches at the Berlin Academy of Music Hanns Eisler and gives courses in the subjects harpsichord and chamber music.


The Ars Augusta eV association has been organizing academic music projects since 2019 to study baroque opera from the cultural heritage of our region, Saxony and Silesia. In 2019, for example, Antonio Lotti's opera "Giove in Argo" was premiered in the Kurtheater Bad Salzbrunn (Szczawno Zdroj in Poland) and in the Palais im Grossen Garten in Dresden after 300 years. Antonio Bioni's opera "Issipile" also followed as a premiere in modern times in 2021 as a film production of the "Oper im Schloss" in Szczecin.

In 2022 we would like to organize another one-week workshop for singers and baroque musicians as part of the German Music Council's "Country Music" project, this time in Königshain Castle near Görlitz. The theme is two operas from the musical heritage of Dresden-Warsaw based on the libretto by Metastasio "Il re pastore": the opera by Johann Chr. Richter in German and the opera of the same name by Johann Adolf Hasse in Italian. Both date from 1762 and have never been performed before.

The selected artists will rehearse scenes from the opera between September 18th and 23rd and perform them semi-staged on September 23rd. The lecturer is a renowned harpsichordist and founding member of the "Akademie für Alte Musik - Berlin", Mr. Raphael Alpermann. The opera singer and chairwoman of Ars Augusta eV, Eleni Ioannidou, takes over the artistic direction and the scenic work with the actors.



Drama per musica

Libretto: Pietro Metastasio


Johann Christoph Richter (Dresden 1700-1785)

Dresden 1762 in German

First performance in modern times

Johann Adolf Hasse (Bergerdorf 1699-Venice 1783)

Warsaw 1762 in Italian

First performance in modern times



Pouria Kiani, Daria Skrzypek, Elias Tulchynsky (Barockviolinen)

Dominika Garncarz (Barockviola)

Szczepan Dembiński (Barockcello)

Justyna Wróblewska (Cembalo)

Radosław Orawski, Małgorzata Matuszak (Traverso-Flöte)

Tomasz Grochalski, Milena Tobor (Barockhorn)


AMYNT / AMINTA           Natalia Płonka   

ELISA                                 Elena Patsalidou (22.9.), Clara Beyer (23.9.)

TAMIRIS                            Kamila Goik

AGENOR / AGENORE    Alina König Rannenberg

ALEXANDER                    Pedro Matos

Lecturer - Opera

Sinfonia (J.Ch.Richter)

Akt 1

"Geliebter Bach"  Amynt (J.Ch.Richter)

"Elisa, schönstes Kind" Rez.Amynt-Elisa (J.Ch.Richter)

"Alla selva, al prato, al fonte"  Elisa (J.A.Hasse)

"So machet eine Wolke sich" Alexander (J.Ch.Richter)

"Ihr allerliebsten schönen Augen" Agenor (J.Ch.Richter)

"Di tante sue procelle" Tamiris (J.A.Hasse)


Akt 2

"Barbar, ich bin wie dir bekennt" Elisa (J.Ch.Richter)

"Ah, per voi la pianta umile"Aminta (J.A.Hasse)

"Ach du bist ja nicht" Quartett El-Tam-Agn-Am (J.Ch.Richter)

Akt 3

"Wenn du mich jemand anders" Tamiris (J.Ch.Richter)

"Sol può dir come si trova" Agenore (J.A.Hasse)

"Ihr Götter, die ihr mir zu Ehren" Alexander (J.Ch.Richter)

"Dalla selva e dal´ovile" Coro finale (J.A.Hasse)

Conditions of participation
Conditions of Participation

The workshop will take place from September 18th to 23rd, 2022 in Königshain near Görlitz. The participants will arrive on September 17th and depart on September 24th.

Before the workshop starts in September, 4 online group meetings (around 1-2 hours each) are planned for the selected singers (and eventually the instrumentalists) during the summer to discuss the opera, the history behind, the libretto, the dramaturgical concept and the pronunciation of the text -German and Italian- with the artistic leader of the project.

The musical and stage work begin on Sunday 18 September. On September 23, the final concert will take place in Königshain Castle with scenes from the opera "Il re pastore" by Johann Christian Richter, in semi-staged form, alternating with some arias from the opera by Johann Adolf Hasse. The instruments "traverso flute" and "French horn" only stay for two days on September 22-24. part (2 nights).

Lecturer: Raphael Alpermann, Academy for Early Music, Berlin

After completing the workshop, the musicians receive a diploma and within a month a portfolio with video, audio and photos from the performance. By participating in the workshop, the musicians accept the use of audiovisual material for the purpose of documenting the project by the Ars Augusta eV society.


The workshop is open to baroque musicians (violin, viola, cello, harpsichord, double bass, transverse flute, French horn) and singers (countertenor altus, countertenor soprano, mezzo-soprano, soprano, tenor and baritone) aged 18-35. The tuning of the ensemble is 415 Hz .

In the “Violin” category in particular, a concertmaster is selected to lead the ensemble and receives a special honorary for this.


Participants must submit the following documents (in German or English, per E-mail to by 10 June, 2022 (11:59 p.m.):

a. Registration for the workshop is via the Formular on this page. If the "CV" field is not sufficient:

b. Possibly an extra artistic CV

c. A photo (.jpg or .png format, no less than 200 KB)

e. Demo of two pieces of music from the Baroque period, or Mozart, Gluck, Haydn (1650-1800): video (link to a video, no video files please) or audio (mp3).

The singers selected in the first phase will rehearse an aria from the opera by Richter or Hasse in a second phase and submit another demo by June 30th. We will provide the sheet music and a midi audio file to the singers.


The participation in the workshop and the accommodation in Königshain are free of charge for the musicians.

The musicians alone cover their own travel expenses to Königshain and their meals during the workshop.

Musicians stay in the "Windmühlenhof" holiday apartments in the Obelausitz countryside in rooms for 1-2 people per room. Cooking and making music are allowed in the apartments.


For participation in the project, a honorary is provided for the musicians and singers.

For the baroque violin playing the role of concertmaster  takes over, the musician receives a special honorary for this.

Future perspectives

The best singers will be engaged in a production of the opera in the 2023/24 season at the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz.

The best instrumentalists will be contracted in the next concerts of the Lausitzer Barockensemble and in solo chamber concerts of the Ars Augusta eV and will play well-known works of baroque music at monuments in the region as soloists or in an ensemble, as well as the opportunity to realize professional sound recordings in the association. The chosen concertmaster may conduct future operas of the society Ars Augusta.

The project is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media based on a resolution of the German Bundestag. It is part of the "Country Music" funding program of the German Music Council.

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