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Małgorzata Przybysz was born in Jelenia Góra, where she began studying music at the age of six. She studied classical singing in a chamber choir under the direction of Franciszek Kosha and then continued her education at the music school in Jelenia Góra in the class of Agnieszka Rehlis. While still at school, she made her first appearances with the orchestra of Jelenia Gora and took part in various concerts at home and abroad with chamber music repertoire. She graduated from the singing department of the Music Academy in Wroclaw in the class of Prof. Ewa Czermak.

During her studies she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and Art. She is the winner (2nd prize) and the special prize at the Polish singing competition Franciszek Platów in Wroclaw. She also received a diploma for the excellent preparation of the role "Joacim" (oratorio by Susanna GF Handel) during the interpretation course for oratorios and cantatas in Wroclaw. The highlight of the course was a concert at XXXIX. Wratislavia Cantans Festival. She took part in many master classes, including with prof. T. Żylis-Gara, prof. J. Artysza, prof. S. Vitucci, prof. D. Grabowski. She also improved her vocal skills at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.


During her studies she made her debut on the stage of the Wroclaw Opera in the role of Berta (G. Rossini's Barber of Seville) and the role of Isabella (G. Rossini's Italiana in Algeri) on a small stage in Wroclaw. After graduating, she sang 2nd Norne and Wellgund (Götterdämmerung by R. Wagner) and Schwertleite (Walküre by R. Wagner) in performances of the Breslau Opera in the Jahrhunderthalle. During her many years in Germany she played the following roles: 3rd lady (WA Mozart's Magic Flute), girl (musical My fair Lady by F. Loewe), Castavy (Šarka Z. Fibicha - German premiere, recorded by Deutschland Radio and NDR Kultur and broadcast by NDR Kultur), Matrone (Anna Karenina J. Hubaya), Bersi (Andrea Chénier U. Giordano), Ljubow (Mazepa P. Czajkowski) at the State Theater in Braunschweig. In her repertoire she also has other operatic roles, including: Orpheus (Orpheus and Eurydyka Ch. W. Gluck), Zita (G. Schicchi G. Puccini), Flora (Traviata G. Verdi), Magdalena (Rigoletto G. Verdi ), Suzuki (Madame Schmetterling G. Puccini), Marina (Boris Godunow M. Musorgski), Carmen (Carmen G. Bizet).


The artist also likes to appear in works of oratorio and cantatas. She has prepared dozens of roles, including Stabat Mater by JB Pergolesi, Gloria A. Vivaldi, Johannes Passion (Wroclaw Philharmonic), Christmas Ortorium by JS Bach, Messiah GF Handel, Requiem and Coronation Mass by WA Mozart, Ninth Symphony by L. van Beethoven, Paulus F. Mendelssohn, Christmas Oratorio C. Saint-Saëns, Requiem M. Duruflé, Te Deum A. Bruckner Stabat Mater K. Szymanowski (Germany tour with the Breslau Philharmonic). In addition to the concert performance of the psalms by E. Brikner and M. Żebrowski, she also took part in the recording of a CD. The artist also played the role of a mezzo-soprano in the symphonic poem Aleksander Niewski by P. Tschaikowsky in a concert that was accompanied by the orchestra of the State Theater in Braunschweig. She also took part in the "Bachzeit" project, where she performed around a dozen cantatas by JS Bach in Braunschweig, Seesen, Blankenburg and Goslar. She also took part in the world premiere of the cantata "Metanoia" by Bernfried EG Pröve on the 100th anniversary of Poland's regaining independence.


Among other things, she has participated in many music festivals: the Wagner Festival, the Handel Festival, the Lublin September Music Festival, the 11th Silesian Sonans Festival, the 5th International Guitar Festival, the International Bach Festival, the May 11th Festival with early music, the Jasna Góra Organ Festival and the Youth International Orchestra Festival.

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