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Image by Lukasz Szmigiel

Martin Opitz

Selected Poems

occasional poems

To Herr Heinrich Schützen, on his dearest wife's farewell

O you Orpheus of our times, 

whom Thalia taught
Its song and golden strings 

Phebus himself hears with joy, 

Then what is the point of complaining? 

Can fear chase away death?

voice your lute again, 

Better let the organ go
let your songs ring out
should your love still be with you, 

Should she live again

And give yourself back to you. ​

give her through your lovely singing, 

What death has brought;
Let the sweet sound ring
Made Eäger's son

And so artificially sang, 

That he forced night and death.

The famous songs remain
when we've long since died; 

What through them cannot stick, 

Anyone who dies like that only has to die 

And spoil his praise with him.

praise your dearest virtue, 

speak of kindness 

From the grace of her youth 

From the pleasant time 

which you enjoyed with her, 

Before they decide the time.

We also want to agree with you, 

Want eager next to you
Climb to the blue clouds 

That they live forever and ever 

Through the art of learned strings, 

O you Orpheus of our times.

O you Orpheus of our times,

Whom Thalia taught
Whose song and golden strings

Phebus himself hears with pleasure,

Then what is the purpose of complaining?

Can fear drive away death?


Voice your sounds again

Better let the organ go
Let your songs resound
Should your love still be with you

Should she live anew

And reproduce yourself dirr.


Through your lovely singing give her

What death has brought;
Let the sweet note sound
Made the Eager's son

And sang so artificially

That he forced night and death.


The famous songs remain
When we died long ago;

What cannot be retained through them,

Whoever dies like this just has to die

And spoil his praise with him.


Praise your dearest virtue,

Say of kindness

From the grace of her youth

Of the pleasant time

Which you enjoyed with her,

Before they decided the time.


We also want to agree with you

Want to be next to you
Climb to the blue clouds

That they live for and for

Through the art of learned strings,

O you Orpheus our times.

echo or reverberation

This place, completely surrounded by trees,

Since nothing but fruit and shadows float,

As sadness disposes

Since everything lies desolate and desolate,

Since the sun does not depart either,

As poisonous vermin stalk,

Since no water is poured at all,

As that flows out of my eyes

Since no light at all is not recognized,

Than my heart burns

to be comfortable,

Since I lament from my torment, [8]

From my pain and deepest suffering,

that now I shall part from myself;

But before the desired death

With joy relieves my need,

I want to complain of my love

And, although in vain, ask

Then there is no one who consoles me

Because I mourn so deeply?

O Echo, become only you alone

Henceforth comfort me, and no other?

How should she read my Brandt,

Is she still unknown to me?

But she doesn't want to understand

Let me go in fear without indulgence.

Is my sorrow lost?

Who should I thank with the time?

So now it is necessary that I bury

The fire, and the hour endure?

If I should wait too long

Does something help my impatience?

Maybe I'd like to die before

Because I walk in the greatest misery?

So I follow your advice badly,

I hope everything will be fine and right.

Now I am relieved of many hardships

And felt good consolation.

you uninhabited sadness,

You hedges full of my suffering,

You black caves and you deserts,

Since owls, adders, snakes nest,

You desolate place, have a good time;

I am full of joy for sorrows,

For Darkweet I look for the suns,

A cool fountain for Threnen:

who gave me such consolation,

It's like she can't lie.

(From : Worldly Poems, Miscellaneous Poems of Young People)

This place, all surrounded by trees,

Since nothing but fruit and shadows float,

As sadness decides

Since everything is desolate and desolate,

Since the sun does not fade either,

Since poisonous vermin creeps,

Since there is no water at all

As that flows upon my eyes

Since no light is not recognized

When my heart burns

Wants me to be comfortable

Since I complain of my pain

From my pain and deepest suffering

That I shall now part from me;

But before the desired death

Relieve my misery with joy,

I want to complain of my love

And, whether completely in vain, ask

Then there is no one who comforts me

Because I mourn so deeply?

Oh echo, only you will be alone

From now on comfort me, and no other?

How should she put out my fire

Is it still unknown to me?

But she doesn't want to understand

Makes me go in fear without indulgences.

If my sorrow is lost

Who should I thank in time?

So now it is necessary for me to be buried

The fire and the hour stop?

If I have to wait too long

Will something help my impatience?

Maybe I would like to die before

Because I am going in the greatest misery?

So I follow your advice badly,

Hope everything will be fine and right.

Now I am relieved of many hardships

And I felt good consolation.

You uninhabited sadness

Your hedges full of my sorrow

You black halls and you deserts,

As owls, fathers, and snakes nest,

You dreamy place, you wished;

I am full of joy for sadness

For darkness I look for the suns

A cool fountain for tears:

Who gave me such consolation,

Is such that she cannot lie.


As the sun has gone into the sea,

And the starry head of the night breaks

Are men, cattle and wild animals as it were without life,

The moon hardly shines with half the light.

I, although everything is asleep, must keep awake without ceasing

From many days ago, and wander without rest;

Is the whole world already freed from their things,

So I can't close my eyes to love and fear.

You too, Asterie, were killed by the slack,

Furth of the day's work, the likeness of death;

Since the Zehren brook penetrates from both my eyes,

Are you filled with gentle Rhu on your bed.

Like when Delia hid in the woods

Is washed by slack, and falls into the green grass,

And as the nymphs lie down towards morning,

After the night dance has made her tired and leave:

They surely rest by a fresh fountain,

The trees hold their light at dawn;

So that they don't wake up immediately from the sun,

The thick forest covers them; But Pan does not sleep.

He walks, he calls, he screams with longing desire,

That his voice resounds through bushes, mountains and valleys,

And they are gently embraced with sweet dreams;

The pan answers only the mere re-shal:

You too, my life, are asleep, I must wallow in distress,

You are in good Rhu, I wake up for and for,

Bit me the last death will finally overtake,

For whom I was longingly here at your door.

(From : Worldly Poems, Miscellaneous Poems of Young People)

When the sun has gone into the sea,

And the starry head of the night breaks

Are people, cattle and game as if without life,

The moon also hardly shines with half a light.

I have to watch without stopping if everyone is asleep

From many days ago, and tumble without rest;

The whole world has already been freed from its things

So I don't turn a blind eye to love and fear.

You too, Asteria, were killed by all the limp,

The daily work of Furth, the image of death;

Since the Zehren brook penetrates out of both eyes,

Are you filled with a gentle rhythm on your bed.

How when did Delia hide in the forest

Is woken up by the sleep, and falls into the green grass,

And as the nymphs lay down towards morning,

After the night dance made her tired and let her:

You will surely rest by a fresh fountain,

The trees stop when the dawn is light;

That they do not immediately wake up from the sun,

The thick forest covers them; But Pan is not sleeping.

He goes, he calls, he screams with longing

That his voice resounds through bushes, mountains and valleys,

And they are pleasantly enveloped in a sweet dream;

Only the mere re-scarf answers the Pan:

You too, my life, are asleep, I must wallow in trouble,

You are in good Rhu, I watch for and for,

Bite me the last death will finally invade

To whom I was longingly waiting here at your door.

That poetry is immortal

What are you throwing, despicable envy, writing to me for the pleasure

Of Venus, and to cast out youth with her?

I don't respect you, you love vanity:

My praise and name will resound far and wide.

Cupid leads me into a green desert,

Since the poet Volck, far from desire and lust,

Former times lived like the first world,

Know nothing of the cities, and live around the fields.

The nymphs will put the laurel wreath on my head,

Erato will delight in my verses;

As far as the green lust and high forests go,

So far my poem will stand on every tree.

You places full of joy, your abode of shepherds,

Your streams, your maple trees, your springs, you tender myrtles,

Your valleys, your mountains, you flowers and your stones,

Your dwelling house of all Rhu, I wish to be with you,

Nowhere else but with you; obsessed with your lust

I want to forget what is earthly and myself.

Like Perseus when he first sees Andromeda,

In the midst of the air was enraptured by her draws,

So that he could scarcely govern the steed,

So no other love of yours shall lead me,

Until the last death catches me here unexpectedly,

And Venus buries me where her Adonis lie.

(From : Worldly Poems, Miscellaneous Poems of Young People)

What do you throw, disgraceful envy, to write to me for pleasure

About Venus, and driving away the youth with her?

I don't respect you, you love vanity:

My praise and name will be heard far and wide.

Cupid leads me into a green desert,

Since the poets folk, far from desire and lust,

The past lived like the first world,

Know nothing of the cities and live around the field.

The nymphs will put the laurel crown on me,

Erato will delight in my verses;

As far as green lust and high forests go

That is how far my poem will stand on every tree.

Your place full of joy, your shepherds' stay,

Their brook, their maple trees, their source, their tender myrtle trees,

Their valleys, their mountains, their flowers and their stones,

Your homeland of peace, I wish to be with you,

Nowhere else but with you; obsessed with your lust

I want to forget the earthly and myself.

Like Perseus when he first saw Andromedes,

Was enraptured by her drawing in the middle of the air,

So that he could scarcely rule the horse,

No other love should lead me from you either,

Bite me the last death here all of a sudden,

And Venus buries me where her Adonis lies.

odes and songs

Happy to him who is far from high things

Set your foot on the path of simplicity;

Whoever wants to swing his courage too high

It even bumps up against it slightly.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.

A high castle is struck by the blows

Whose mighty thunder touches more;

If you want to go far, you often fall off the path

And is seduced by his pride.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.


On the great sea are great waves,

Lots of cliffs, storm and hard wind;

Whoever is wise stays with the sources,

Who are in the green woods.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.


If Phyllis doesn't have gold and treasure,

So she has what I like;

With which I amuse my mind,

Is not bought for goods and money.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.


One stands at the gates of rich people

Very often and yet seldom comes;

With her there is no need of words,

What is hers is no less mine.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.

Don't glare at her with expensive things,

So the light of her eyes shines:

Hoffart must make many beautiful ones,

Your bad appearance doesn't bother me.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.


If she is not of high status,

So she is still out of the world;

If she doesn't have a seat in the country,

She herself is a wide field to me.

Everyone praise his mind

I love my shepherdess.


Anyone who wants may fly in the air,

My goal does not extend that far;

I'll be content with that

What does not try and yet pleases

And praise my mind,

And my beautiful shepherdess.


Now the night is coming,

cattle and men are set free,

The desired rest goes on;

My concern is approaching.


Beautiful shines the moonlight

And the little golden stars;

Happy is everything far and wide,

I'm just in sadness.


Two are missing everywhere

By the beautiful number of stars;

These stars that I mean

Is the dearest sight.


I don't ask about the moon

Tunckel is the light of the stars,

Because turned away from me

Asteris, my firmament.


But when leans toward me

This my sun puller,

I think it's the best

That no star nor moon shines.


Compt, let's walk out

to be heard through the forest,

the birds make music,

The mountains and valleys resound.


For him who can sing freely

Like you, you folk of the air;

May his voice swing

To the one he hopes for.


I will not be heard

I scream right away without Rhu;

who teaches me to sing like this

Plug your own ears.


Better for him who lives freely,

like you, you light crowd,

does not float in comfort and fear,

Is out of danger.


You will be bypassed

But if you are valued,

I'm caught by

which mine does not desire.


You can still find means

escape from pain,

She must bind me even more

Should I be redeemed?


Oh love, let's hurry

We have time,

It hurts us to linger

Both of us.


The gifts of noble beauty

flee foot by foot,

that all we have

must go.


The cheek puller fades,

the hair turns gray

The fire of the eyes gives way,

The heat turns to ice.


Coral's little mouth

becomes misshapen,

The hands fall as snow,

And you're getting old


Now let's enjoy

the fruit of youth,

Before we have to follow

The flight of the years.


where you love yourself

so love me

Give me that when you give

I lose too.


I almost feel dread

That I, Plato, for and for

I sat over you;

It's time to look outside

And itself at the fresh springs

to walk in the green,

Where the beautiful flowers are

And the fishermen make nets.


What is the purpose of studying

Than too much trouble?

Under it runs the brook

of our lives that we lead

Before we realize

towards her last end,

Then come without spirit and sense

All this in the earth.


Hola, boy, go and ask

Where the best drink may be

Take the jug and fill it with wine.

All mourning, suffering and lamentation

As we humans have every day

Ere Clotho snatched us away,

I want in the sweet juice,

Bury the one the grape gives.


Also buy melons.

And don't forget the sugar;

Just make sure nothing breaks.

He may spare the Heller,

The one with his gold and treasures

Great ones used to crunch

And don't lie down to bed full;

I want to, because I can, let myself go.


Please my good brothers

Up the music and a glass;

Nothing is suitable, thin me, bass,

As a trunk and good songs.

I don't leave much to inherit

Hey, I have fine wine;

Will be merry with others,

When I must die alone.


Spring has come four times;

The winter time has four times

Taken from the woods

her green summer dress,

Since we've been brought

In the faithful friendship order.


How many days have passed

inner joy and good desire,

When we watered our senses

With Lyaeus his fare;

But not like the rough Scythians,

Who fill up the whole belly.


Like a boatman on the edge

Leading his crooked boat [39]

And not far from the country,

When he feels strong waves

It must be the same with drinking

Let's not sink.


we see jumping in the shell,

Reluctantly, your clear wine,

Can we conquer ourselves

That we'll be sober for a long time?

Everything that offends us must

Sunk into the wine cask.


Then when we took so much

That the pleasant juice

Something in the forehead has come

Then heart and tongue get strength,

Everything is left out

What we like and what we hate.


Why this should be avoided

why that couldn't be

Why so and so envy us

That only false appearance

of the mind emits,

Heartily hates and verbally loves.


O you mats, O you meadows,

You mountains, which we

calling from the old giants,

O you warm baths you,

You Napäen have heard

What is often a come to us.

So pleases us here on earth

A nice glass and a nice book

Until we get enveloped

In a piece of linen cloth. [40]

'Cause we don't take more with us

Should we then grieve a lot?


we won't leave anything else

(Then about property

No one will hit and hate)

So there remains a good reputation

Because death cannot die for us

And no man buy with money.


You run away with a free rein

The path of honored praise

Through the wings of the high eagle,

Who has you at your service

And I also want to lift higher

Give me helm, shield and nobility.


These are the poison and gifts

who envy us above all,

When we're buried long

Should lift at any time;

Make these treasures and goods

That we laugh at scorn and hatred.


When the envy of a thousand tongues

Had outstretched hostilely

And come up to us

But that's how we stay hidden

In the shadow of goodness and virtue,

Since no envy can guess.


Well now, with the condition

Let's stay as we are!

Since I'll bring it to you then

This great ship full of wine

that you should no longer be thirsty,

To the health of our prince.


I can go to you

Now when I want, my fatherland,

Now I'm free from life

Where there is no happiness and permanence;

But the bond of love still protects me,

Which I too weak to resist.


I turned to you before

There was no place I didn't like better;

Now all lust has ended

After which I long for my heart,

What everyone argues against

Completely blinded by his grace.


Before when the dawn laughed

And was seen on her way,

So I greeted her when I woke up;

Now it's all done

Because I can only praise my love

And always contemplate their draws.


I'm planning to go to the cool rivers

And clear fountains joined me;

The roses, lilies and daffodils

I loved for everything in the world;

Now I know a lot a beautiful Feldt,

And I hope you can still enjoy it.


You birches and you high linden trees,

You deserts and you quiet forest,

Live well with your deep reasons

And green meadows varied;

My consolation and best stay

Is to be found elsewhere than with you.


The same one this night

first has brought his life,

Just died like them

who are long gone,

And their corpses and bones

A thousand years ago are spoiled.


Man dies in time or late,

As soon as he blessed

So he is buried in the sand

And lies down with the long Rhu.

when ear and eye are already closed,

Who is thinking of the world?


The soul alone and bare

Flies when she gets rid of her body,

to heaven, where she was led.

As for this vile body,

Nothing will come of him but Stanck and Poison,

How beautiful he was before, felt.

There is no more spirit in him,

The flesh fell off, the skin crumbled,

Every hair that must fly away;

And what I respect more to be

That one doesn't suit anyone

whom he used to love for everything.

Death covets nothing, ever;

Drumb, because now I can still wish

So I just want to choose one

healthy body and right mind;

Afterwards, when I'm already cold,

I'll commend the rest to God.


Homerus, Sappho, Pindarus, Anacreon, Hesiodus

And others are without worries,

Now you talk to her what you want;

So, people say a lot about me right away,

Who knows, it will happen the day after tomorrow.


But where does the wish serve,

Than that a man without all Rhu

Consuming only itself day and night?

Anyone who wishes is always offended;

He who is dead is without all suffering.

Oh, blessed is he who desires nothing more!


Oh good for him who has the right time

In all things see

And not after what is ready

Gone is striving

He knows what to love

And what he shall leave;

He lives free and always well

And don't hate yourself.


The goddess of opportunity

is only forden with hair,

The neck is always bare;

So don't let her drive,

because you have them by the forehead,

The day is dying down

The hours run without rest,

And don't come back at all


Be happy, let go of sorrow,

Sunshine follows rain;

Finally there is happiness

After romping a good look.


Before the harsh winter has itself

At us fiercely shows,

The whole world territory deep

slept in a hard dream.


But now the light of the sun

Breaks out with full brilliance

And where the sky rises higher

Even everything appears cheerful,


The frosty ice must go away

The snow can no longer stand

Favonius, the gentle wind

finds himself back in the fields,


The seed springs up with power,

The grass is green in all its glory,

The trees sprout again

The flowers emerge.

The cattle in fields intimately,

The game in Püschen is happy,

The flock of birds happily swings

And sweetly in the air sings:

So you also stop mourning,

My heart, and let your hesitation be

Trust God and believe

That he does not forsake his own.


Ulysses too, the free hero,

After spending ten years in the field

Tried his might before Troy,

Moved another ten years while fleeing.


By adversity in the sea

Was he tossed to and fro,

Nor did he remain steadfast at all times

In need and death, in love and sorrow.


Circe with magic

Never brought him to her favor;

Even the siren's sweet mouth

And harps don't keep him kunt.


He finally threw himself

The heavy yoke of rough life,

Penelopene he found again

And Ithacene, his fatherland.


So you are also confident, my heart,

And survive the joke of fortune,

Trust God, just watch out for him;

That doesn't bring hope to shame.


7. Via the Queckbrunnen to Buntzlau in Silesia

Thou inexhaustible lust, Thou dwelling house of all joys,

You bath of the Naiads, you delicious Fonteyn,

As lovely as milk and wine spring from you,

In whose green lust the sheep graze safely,


let me avoid the excess of vanity,

Be free of worries at your source here,

So that the sun's hot glow never again

Nor your clear stream what turbid do offend.


I wish to be with you, with you, my fatherland,

Here now I have turned all my courage and mind,

The whole world is mine by your beautiful rivers;


From now on my hand shall raise you up:

As far as the great Rein and Danube flow,

You, you noble fountain, will be known in the same way.

You inexhaustible lust, you dwelling house of all joys,

You bath of the Naiads, you delicious Fonteyn,

As lovely as milk and wine spring from you,

In whose green lust the sheep will safely grace,


Let me avoid the excess of vanity,

Be free of worries from your source,

That the sun's hot glow will never

Nor do you offend your clear brook what troubled you.


With you I wish to be, with you, my fatherland,

Here now I have turned my courage and my mind

The whole world is to me by your beautiful rivers;


Drumb should lift you up my hand from now on:

As far as the great Rein and Danube pour out,

Will you, you noble source, be known in the same way.


You honey birds, you of the violas

And roses deprived of the wonderfully sweet juice,

Who drew her strength from the green clover,

Who stole from her the beautiful field so often and so much,


You field dwellers, what do you want to fetch?

That, if you still have little benefit at the moment,

Because you are concerned with man's servitude,

And you have to pay them mostly the honey?


Compt, compt to my love, on her rose mouth,

who has deeply wounded my sick heart,

Then you should break heavenly food too;


But if anyone they wil put in danger,

And do her harm, to whom you shall be a strong flock

Be gall to honey, and stab him to death.

You honey birds, those of the violas

And roses said the wonderfully sweet juice,

Who withdrew its strength from the green clover,

You who steal the beautiful field so often and much,


You field inhabitants, what are you going to get

That, if you still have little use at the time,

Because you manage that human being with servitude,

And most of the honey has to be paid to them?

Compt, Compt to my love, open her rose mouth,

Who wounded my sick heart deeply,

You should also break the food from heaven unnecessarily;


But when someone will put them in danger

And do her a leer, to whom ye should be a strong crowd

Be gall for honey, and sting him to death.


In the midst of pain and fear, in such heavy trains,

Never heard anything like it in such a time

As good faith dies, as discord, wrath and envy die

Full of bloody lust heaped to the field,


Since it is harmless to bend court and justice,

Since vices are virtues, how far am I so far

Sunk in folly? dearest kindness,

Her bleeding face, her pleasant wars,


Your essence, action and manner, that is what I want

Just imagined and boast for and for.

See your sorrow, see your misery and yet love nothing but?


Those who are smarter than me are smuggled into Clausen.

You musts, let me go; it has to be finally

What else or yes nothing is no longer written.

In the midst of pain and fear, in such heavy features,

Never heard of such a thing in such a time

Since good faith dies, there is discord, grim and envy

Lie heaped in the field full of bloody desire,


Since it is harmless to bend judgment and justice,

Since vice is virtue, how far am I?

Sun in folly? Dearest friendliness,

Her blooming face, her pleasant war,


Your essence, action and nature, that's what I look for

Just imagined and boast for and for.

That sorrow, that sorrow to see and yet nothing but love?


Those who are smarter than me are smuggled into Clausen.

You must, let me go; it must finally be

Something different or nothing at all is no longer written.

15. To dearest Fatherland

I made this mistake in my pier

Greened Wüsteney, like Germany was busy

To be his murderer himself, since Herdt and also Altar

Was reduced to ashes by sad beginnings


The bloody desire, because whole peoples senses

And Tichten was reversed, since all vices flock,

Murder, fornication, indulgence and triegen all together

The place of the old honor and virtue held inside.


So that the bad time would now be passed,

I want to turn to easy rhymes here.

Mars follows love by laughing at tears;


My war is to be praised, and his to be shamed;

Then mine will be satisfied by two people's battle,

Many thousands cannot end the others.

I made this forgotten in my Pierinnen

Greened Wüsteney, like Germany was bustling

To be his own murderer, there Herdt and also Altar

It was laid in ashes by a sad beginning


The bloody desire, there all the Volker senses

And Tichten was perverted, when all vices were flocked,

Murder, fornication, indulgence and trifling all over the place

The place of old honor and virtue was kept inside.


So that the bad times would now be brought

Did I want you to turn to easy rhymes here.

Mars does love to laugh at tears;


My war is praiseworthy, and it is to be desecrated;

Then mine will be satisfied by two people's battle,

The other cannot end even many thousands.

9. PICK A KISS | ALSO partly from Dutch 

To all my distress, to so much fear and lamentation,

To sighs, alas and woe, to supreme sadness,

To that through which my heart feels its deep sorrow,

My love won't move me to refuse one thing.


I can certainly say good luck

It finally came, the much desired time,

And has pleased my heart and mind with a kiss;

I finally carried that favor away.


The dew, the sweet dew that floats on the lips,

That refreshes Marc and Bein, so that my spirit still lives,

Can remove all my fears and sorrows from me.

You gods, you look here at us humans,

If this joy and consolation doesn't bring me any trouble,

The kiss is well sold for such misery and sorrow.

On all my needs, on so much fear and complaints,

To see, alas and woes, to the greatest sadness,

On what my heart felt his deep sorrow,

But my love moves me not to refuse one thing.


I can certainly say of good luck,

It finally came, the very much desired time,

And gave me heart and soul with a kiss;

I finally carried away this favor.


The dew, the sweet dew that hovers on the lips,

Who refreshes Marck and Bein, so my spirit is still alive,

Can separate all my fears and sorrows from me.


You gods, you who look here to us humans,

Doesn't this joy and consolation turn into any complaint,

The kiss is well sold for such Noth and Leyden.


1. From the Lord of Pibrac 

Sit down to pray, as the Greek teaches,

Because God does not want to be called upon when fleeing;

He is called and desires a strong heart alone;

But you don't have that if he doesn't worship it.


You say it's the mirror full of cunning

And show yourself more beautiful than you are;

Come, you want to see that he can't lie down

And look at you with my eyes.

3. From the Catone 

Is God a pure spirit, as the poets teach,

So you should also honor him with a pure heart.

5. From the Anacreon

The earth drinks for itself, the trees drink earth;

The air from the sea is also used to be drunk;

The sun drinks the sea, the moon drinks the suns,

Won't you friends then forbid me to drink?


Jupiter chose you, not Paris,

And would be a swan even now, if no swan was born to you;

Your name is Helena and you are also so pretentious

And if you weren't chaste, you would be kidnapped too.


O ye gods, then let me be envious of the despicable good fortune

Do not let? Do I have to go into the quarrel?

Oh leave me, leave me here; the war is not necessary:

Just leave me to my beloved, she can kill me better.

8th.  To an assassin

O you inhuman man, what pain and suffering suffering

Like your vile deed! Remain unyielding, you hearts,

If you are good fruit of the fatherland;

Then to be merciful here is mercilessness.


You lights that can be seen floating in the high sky,

Call from their sleep, awaken my life.

Don't you want it? Certainly you will notice when she wakes up

That the beauty of her eyes shames you completely.

26  From the Greek Platonis

lib. IV. tit. ἀπὸ γυναιχῶν

I Lais, who was left to be the most beautiful,

Now my youth gone, now break the mirror.

Then being as I was before cannot happen;

How I am now, I do not desire to see.

Occasional Poems 3 . To the Hirschberg baths

You nymphs, who here surround this green valley,

Surrounded by snowy mountains and Alps,

Spend your life in quiet solitude,

You white Najades, and you, you beautiful torment,


Through its worthy strength, people in numbers

Having recovered so far, do you want to strive for honor

Which is never mortal, and raise you still higher,

So take this noble pledge, this time too

Committed to you here to become healthy and fresh.

Preserve and provide for the hope of our earth,

The country's best consolation, so you bring thanks


The fidelity and watchfulness that you through your nurturing

You have refreshed the one that is important to us.

If he is no longer wolf, then we are all ill.

3. To the Hirschberg baths

You nymphs who surrounded this green valley,

That is surrounded by the snow mountains and the Alps,

Spend your life in quiet solitude,

You white najades, and you, you beautiful torment,


Because of its worthy power the people are special

Having recovered somewhat, ye want to strive for honour

That is never mortal, and that lift you even higher,

So this noble pledge takes this time too


Made yourself here to be healthy and fresh.

Keep and feed the hope of our earth,

This is the country's best consolation, so bring you the thanks


Of the faithfulness and vigilance that you have in your care

Have refreshed the one we all care about.

If he is no longer happy, we are all sick.

16. Decree Elegy

The blind work of love, the sweet kiss of the senses

And real magic ends here in the end';

It becomes the loose child, so can seduce me,

Praise God now turned away from me altogether.

Now, wherever you want, look for other poets;

Here, Venus, I have set my own goal;

Your favor is no longer necessary to me;

I hate all vanity, whoever wants to love it.

What my feeble hand wrote before this time,

Guided by your spirit, that's the fault of youth.

I am no longer driven by such lust;

What is hateful to you, for this I bear mercy.

When judgment and reason sit in my council,

You had infatuated my young mind,

Now I see that your son is without madness and jokes,

But you, Venus, yourself a noble lover. [30]

Your nature is a market, because suffering is sold,

A corner where anger and melancholy stand within,

A 'home' of all troubles, a sick house of many plagues,

A ship of torment, a sea where virtue sinks.

Where should the beauty be, when everything will pass away,

The lips of coral, that alabaster image,

The eyes, so you see at once as two suns stand,

The red mouth of roses, the shield of white breasts?

They shall flee, and so shall we, as ashes and dust

And all the same go the way of vanity:

Magnificence, pride, goods and money, because we try so hard

Will get wind and wings with time.

I let it all stand; the end of my youth

And the fruit of love's lust I conclude here:

A work that is higher, the beginning of my virtue,

Whether this perishes immediately should never be mortal.

 Conclusion Elegy

The blind love work, the sweet pouring of the senses

And right magic ultimately has an end here ';

It will be the loose child, so can seduce me

Praise God, now completely turned away from me.

Now look for poets for yourself wherever you want;

Here, Venus, I have set my own goal;

Your favor is now no longer of necessity to me;

I hate 'all' vanity, love whoever wants to.

What my weak hand wrote before this time

Guided by your spirit, it is the fault of the youth.

I am no longer driven by such pleasure;

What is hateful to you, for this I bear grace.

When judgment and understanding sit with me for advice,

Though you had thrown the young mind off me,

Now I see that your son is without madness and jokes,

But you, Venus, are a noble cupid yourself.  [30]

Your being is a market, because suffering is sold for sale,

A corner, because there is announcement and sadness inside,

A 'hostel' for all hardships, a shelter of many plagues,

A ship of torment, a sea where virtue goes under.

Where should the beauty be, when will it all pass,

Corall's lips, this alabaster picture,

The eyes, so ye can see as two suns stand,

The red rose mouth, the shield of the white breasts?

They should, and we too, flee as ash and dust

And all of them go the way of vanity:

Splendor, arrogance, good and money, that we strive so hard for,

Will get wind and wings in time.

I'll let it all stand; the end of my youth

And fruit of the lust for love I decide to go in here:

A work that is higher, the beginning of my virtue,

Whether this perishes immediately should never be mortal.

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