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"Issipile" di Pietro Metastasio, Atto 2

Drama for Music by Antonio Bioni, exhibited in Breslau in 1732. Libretto: Pietro Metastasio

The Ars-Augusta e.V. in collaboration with the Stettin Theater, it will stage for the first time in modern times an opera by Antonio Bioni, and in particular an opera written for the Wroclaw Theater in 1732. And the opera "Issipile" . The manuscript is in the Archive of the Friends of Music Society in Vienna and will be edited by our Association in the coming months.

The following translation in English is made by Enrique Gomez-Cabrero Fernandez.



Garden with a little forest

Eurinome, and Learco farther away

Eurinome: Ah I see bad omens everywhere, and they reproach my soul’s anger.

Lonely horrors of my regrets, defend my heart!

And tell me that the unavenged soul of my son is does not haunt me anymore:

That it [the soul] does not long for the journey to Lete

And that it’s peace is worth my crime.

Learco: (Here is Issipile: Time for Ardor)

Eurinome: Someone is coming. Gods, who can it be?

Learco: My beloved. Believing she is Issipile, he grabs her hand

Eurinome: Who is it? That voice? She moves away from Learco

Learco: (Ah, I was wrong) He goes back to the forest

Eurinome: Poor me. Ice is coming through my veins!

What did the voice of Learco tell me? Where are you?

Don’t hide from my sight. Explain to me your return.

Speak. What do you want? Why do you haunt me?


Lovely shadow

Of my beloved dead son

Don’t ask me for vengeance

For I have already delivered it

What kind of peace would you have

And what kind of rest will you have

If all the blood I spilled for you

Is not enough to satisfy you?

(Da Capo) She moves restlessly through the scene


Issipile in a rush, the aforementioned

Issipile: Rodope should have arrived here before me. Here she is. My friend:

Run to Giasone and tell him She finds Eurinome and believes her to be Rodope

That the king is alive: And that since I will go with him to the harbor now,

He could come with his followers to find us there, and secure our escape.

She goes into the forest

Eurinome: What secret plan is being reveled to me by Fortune!

Now I understand why you are haunting me, son.

Did I make a useless choice? Will the tyrant live?

That can’t be. For I would lose every fruit of my crime.


Issipile e Learco

Issipile: Here is the sacred forest where my beloved father is hidden.

The shadows, the fear, the impatience for arriving are confusing my steps.

But I was right. Father! My Lord! Hurry up.

Learco: (That’s the voice of my beloved. Courage. He comes out the forest

Oh Gods my heart is pumping while I run towards her)

Issipile: Come. Where are you? I hear you footsteps but I cannot find you.

Maybe between all this horrors… I will be able to find you

She grabs Learco by the hand believing him to be Toante

Learco: (Love help me.)

Issipile: You are trembling, father! Don’t be afraid. Giasone will secure our escape.

He will arrive in no time to the harbor of Lenno.

Learco: (Alas, what do I hear)

Issipile: Now that I am looking for such a long time at the light of your face

Learco: (I am lost)

Issipile: And I seem to hear the voice of my beloved

Learco: (I will hide again) Comes back into the forest

Issipile: Where are you going? Why do you run away?

Ach, even the manliest of souls is made vile by misfortune


Eurinome with Amazones, with burning faces, and the aforementioned

Eurinome: Here we are, surround the forest and the royal garden.

Issipile: (Ah Toante’s fear was an omen)

Eurinome: You are discovered. Give your father away.

Issipile: (Ah, help me Gods)

Are you asking me for a corpse?

Eurinome: I have no time for deceptions. I saw you calling him by his name

And speak to him.

Issipile: Unfortunately, that’s true. I keep seeing his dark image.

He follows me to every place. He calls me ungrateful,

He scolds me, he reproaches me that because of me

He is living in the afterworld.

Eurinome: (I have goosebumps, and I know she lies)

Issipile: (I am lying, and I am trembling)

Eurinome: Useless lies

Issipile: Oh God, don’t you see it yourself, Eurinome?

Look at my eyelashes, so full with fury.

They are soft from all the weeping

That comes when the heart is angry.

Look at the white hair that still dripping warm blood

Is falling to my face.

Listen to my screams. Look at the scornful acts.

Miserable shadow, I have been punished enough.

Hide, hide the face, Oh god, hazy and dark,

And the flogging of Aletto and Megera.

Eurinome: Miserable princess, my heart feels mercy for you

Issipile: (If only she could be moved)

Eurinome: This horrible trees are the home of unwelcome maggots.

Burn them, comrades. Let the forest turn to ashes in an instant.

Issipile: Ah no: stop. Those are the sacred trees of the Godess of the forest.

Eurinome: Don't listen to her

Issipile: So not even the gods are safe from your wretched wrath?

Will you turn into criminals all those who follow your orders?

Eurinome: You are recklessly giving away your secret.

This is the forest where Toante is hidden. Go friends, bring him to his demise.

Amazons enter the forest

Issipile: Alas, listen to me oh Gods in the heavens. What will I do?

Eurinome have Mercy.

Eurinome: Your father didn't have mercy of my son.

Issipile: If you are so eager for revenge, pierce my heart, hurt me instead of him.

I beg you humbly. I am at your feet. She kneels down

Eurinome: (I feel her tears cooling my hate down)

Issipile: Let your fury stop, or change it's target. I beg you for everything that is sacred

in the heavens and in the earth. For the very ashes of your beloved Learco.

Eurinome: Ah the mention of his name renews my fury. Let the tyrant die

She unsheathes her sword

And let him die by my hand. I will not by satified untill I see my sword

completely red with his blood.

(As she aproaches the forest to kill Toante, she finds Learco instead, and she drops the sword)

Learco: Ah Mother!

Eurinome: Ah Son!

Issipile: What is this? I am shocked to a stone.

She stands up.


Rodope, and the aforementioned

Rodope: (Gods! Learco in chains? How can I save him? I must prettend.)

Eurinome: Is it really you? Am I really me?

Learco: I wish it wouldn't, by an almighty mercy, you cruel mother.

Eurinome: Wretched me! I was goint to kill you in order to avenge you.

Alas, you come back to life in order to make me guilty of your murder.

How much pain costs me this inhuman pleasure!

Rodope: Comrades, tie the prisioner to a tree, and point at him with our arrows

(Learco is tied to a tree by the amazons)

Eurinome: Ah no, you cruel!

Rodope: Bring Eurinome somewhere else, by force if needed,

so that she doesn't have to behold this.

Issipile: Poor mother!

Eurinome: Rodope, have mercy

Rodope: Do you want to put your own laws to oblivion?

Eurinome: Issipile, have mercy

Issipile: And what could I possibily do?

Rodope: If you don't leave at once we will kill him immediately

Eurinome: Oh torment of all torments!


Alas when I say goodbye to you

I feel my heart breaking

My blood leaves me,

My entrails leave my chest.

I wish I could suffer the last embrace

from the person that is killing you

So that at least I could die

In your arms at least.


Issipile, Rodope, e Learco.

Learco: My cruel fate shows me the dark trophy of your beauty, cruel Issipile.

I am here for I love you too much.

Issipile: You alone are the master of your own demise.

Learco: It was already written in fate's book since I was born.

Issipile: Damn the moment I liked you

She leaves


Rodope, Learco.

Rodope: Comrades, Nemesis [the godess of vegeance] will be less pleased

with the victim in this place. Let's make the sacrifice public and solemn.

Go. Rise an altar for all the people to see, and gather everyone around it.

I will stay here in the meantime guarding the prisioner.

Amazones leave

Learco: I didn't think you were so cruel, Rodope

Rodope: Ungrateful, you know better about my mercy.

I was pretending to be rigorous to convince the crazy furious women.

Learco: If that is true I will give you my heart

Rodope: I don't want your love.

Learco: Maybe you don't trust what I say to be true?

I swear it to the Gods.

Rodope: Silence, Learco, silence. I don't want my gift to cost you a perjury.

I give you back your freedom and your life. She frees him

Learco: But will you not get a reward for your mercy?

Rodope: I already got one. You just don't know about it.


You don't know what beautifull joy it is

to say when you are offended:

I forgive it, I forgive you:

Even when I could avenge myself.

And to see in the meantime the offender

in shock, his face completely red

thinking about his crime

doesn't want to plot anymore.


Learco solo

Learco: Why do you hide, oh my virtue,

if you don't manage to wake up from such long sleep?

What do you want to achieve with this useless remorses?

Either rule or be ruled.

I don't want you in my heart, because either you are complely defeated

or you win completely.


Emotions, don't disturb

the peace of my soul:

either let's do your bidding

or necessity's bidding

Why do you think you are kings

if you are not free?

And why you do not change

when you have your freedom.


Countryside with view to the sea and with tents

Giasone solo

Jasone: Could it be true that she is so deceptive?

Oh Isside is more fierce than that beasts!

Let Ircano's forest have a new price of cruelty.

Even there no tiger lives that would kill it's father.

But the sun is rising: He sits on a rock

Watch over me, oh my languid spirits, tired of wandering.

But I feel you calming down your turmoil, confused in my heart.

My eyes are getting heavy, and the thoughts of the terrible events

weight heavily in my soul (He falls sleep)


Giasone, sleeping, and Learco.

Learco: I have had enough of being evil.

It is now time, after all this dangers for changing my costume.

I am finally tired of shaking in fear at the edge of the pecipice,

Of admire others and hate myself. But what do I see?

It is my rival, sleeping over there. Lucky you!

You were born under a lucky star.

My beautiful enemy is serving you.

I will have to cry in desperation:

In between loving embraces you will laugh at me.

My misery is in no small part the cause of your joy.

Oh cruel image, it pierces my heart! No.

Let the one that is taking my life die. Takes a knife

Die... Wants to hurt him, but he thinks it twice.

What am I doing? Are those the generous intentions

that I decided to have not long ago?


Issipile, Learco, e Giasone sleeping.

Issipile: Where will I ever find my father? Maybe...

Learco. Why does he have that dagger in his hand?

Learco: My virtue will remain unknown to the world.

If I don't kill him I will lose my revenge and my glory.

And some day the memory of this untimely mercy will torment me.

Let it strike! He wants to hurt Giasone

Issipile: Ah traitor, what are you doing? She holds him back

Learco: Let go of me.

Issipil: Don't even dream of it.

Learco: I will drop the dagger if you will be mine

Issipile: A thunder from Jupiter will strike me before that happens.

Learco: So there is no mercy for him? He tries to free himself

Issipile: Carefull, I will wake my husband up: And you will be lost.

Learco: Ah silence. I will leave.

Issipile: No. Before you leave drop the dagger.

(He gives the dagger to Issipile and runs away fast close to Giasone)

Learco: Here you have it, ungratefull.

Prince! You have been betrayed.

Issipile: Stop.

(Giasone wakes up and stands up energetically, and sees Issipile with the dagger in her hand)


Giasone, and Issipile.

Giasone: Who is betraying me? Eternal Gods!

Issipile: Husband

Giasone: Ah barbaric woman; What did I ever do to you?

What crime do you want to punish?

Issipile: Could the destiny give me more missfortunes?

My lord you are mistaking. I didn't come to kill you.

Giasone: And that dagger, and that angry face, and those screams?

Was is not you who woke me up from my sleep?

Is that not clear enough?

Issipile: Someone else tried to kill you. I saved you.

Giasone: Such a great proof of your virtue.

Kills her father but watches over her husband.

Issipile: I did not kill him.

Giasone: But you said...

Issipile: I was forced to lie.

Jasone: But I saw myself the king slaughtered on the beach

Issipile: You thought you saw him, but it wasn't the king.

Jasone: So then tell me, where is Toante?

Issipile: I am looking for him, but I don't find him.

Jasone: Wicked woman. Do you think I am such a fool?

You add offense to the betrayal.

You told me about your crime yourself, everyone says so,

I witnessed it myself: And now you pretend to be inocent.

I woke up and I found you confused and armed, ready to hurt me.

And you are saying that you came to my side in my defense.

Tessaglia's people are not so stupid.

Issipile: You see...

Jasone: I saw enough.

Issipile: Don't you want to...

Jasone: I don't want to listen to you

Issipile: And do you think...

Jasone: I think I am a criminal if I keep listening to you

Issipile: So...

Jasone: Leave

Issipile: And our love?

Jasone: I am ashamed of it

Ïssipile: And am I...?

Jasone: You are an object of fear to my eyes.

Issipile: Ah furies that live in this horrid beaches. I understand, I understand.

Inocence is a crime. The blood of all those that turn our nation's soil red

is not enough. Take also mine.

She is about to cut herself

Jasone: Stop.

Issipile: What do you want? What brings you to stop my death?

Jasone: Die if you want to die, but die somewhere else

(takes her dagger and throws it away)

Issipile: At least...

Jasone: Leave me alone

Issipile: Listen to me.

Jasone: I don't want to

Issipile: Kill me

Jasone: I can't

Issipile: Look at me

Jasone: It is a crime to look at you

Issipile: My beloved. My dear husband.

Jasone: Either you leave or I do.


I leave if you want

but this cruelty

will perhaps cost you

more than one sigh

You will realise about your mistake

but your delayed pain

will not be any consolation

for my martyrdom


Giasone, later Toante

Jasone: She left, thank the Gods. I was being seduced by her tears.

And my emotions where faltering for a moment.

Let her go far from this skies.

And let distance put down our shameful love.

Toante: Prince. My friend.

Jasone: My lord! Am I mistaken or are you the king of Lenno?

Toante: I was, at least.

Jasone: I don't believe myself. How do you come back?

I saw you myself dead in the Royal Chambers

Toante: You saw some poor man dressed with royal clothes, and with a similar face to mine, everyone was fooled. This mercifull plan was designed by Issipile to save me.

Jasone: Ah, so my wife is innocent. Toante, I will return to you in no time

He starts leaving

Toante: Why do you leave me?

Jasone: I want to catch on to my beloved. You will know how unfairly I offended her.

He starts leaving

Toante: Oh my god, what are you doing? The female squadrons, who are proud of this

whole affair, are everywhere around. And if they catch you like this, without

your men, neither will you save your blood nor defend you wife.

Jasone: To arms, to arms. Wake up, come, follow me comrades.

Toante: I will escort you.

Jasone: Oh no, you would be a problem, not a defense. In the middle of the wrath

I would fear for you. Comrades, oh gods, stop the delay.

Oh wife! Oh friend! Oh sweetness! Oh love!


I leave you, and I don't know

if this will be the last goodbye

Either I will return with my beloved

Or I will not come back at all


Toante Solo

Toante: I don't want to deny one more spectator from Issipile's danger.

Fatherly love will strengthen my trembling members.

Even the most cowardly beasts becomes strong when defending its children.

When there is a threat he puts down fear and turns it into bravery.


When the dove discovers

that its nest is being raped,

feels a burning in its heart

that was never there

With its beak and with its claws

even if its not able to defend its child,

at least will be able

to disturb the offender with his fighting





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